Sanji won't admit his feelings for the green haired swordsman, he thinks it's best to be forever silent about it but Is the idea of Zoro liking him back that impossible? Let's find out! This is my first fan fiction ever so I hope you guys like it : Some chapters will have really mat WARNING: This contains Yaoi Its about 3 semes Zoro Ace and Kidd who have a crush on their soon to be ukes Sanji Luffy and Law. Now the question is will the ukes feel the same way or will they not? So I hope u enjoy!!! After being home school sanji finally goes to a public school to meet one of his old friend luffy and meet even more friends. But the one thing he don't know was the one Fanfiction Zoro Luffy Gay who don't really care may like him. While luffy just luffy XD. I am so sorry for being inactive on this story. I have a bit of a block on this one, because I can't seem to get the character descriptions And such things right. I hope I can find the energy to continue this story soon Zoro has fallen head over heels over his neighbor. Who he soon finds out he's a playboy and is head over heels for women. Zoro backs off. Until he gets to Sanji's house and is met with a shocking surprise. Zoro won't let anyone touch his booz. No exceptions. But maybe a cute drunk Sanji Could be a good exception. Anonymous said: For your fanfics: Zosan, sfw, not au please. Sanji's neighbor has just moved in not too long ago. But he can't work up the nerve to talk to him. You see, because he's seven years older Fanfiction Zoro Luffy Gay him. Zoro didn't really care much for the kingdom. He didn't care for anything at all. All he cared for was booze and fighting in the war. He didn't even care for a wife. He is the man to be king of this kingdom. This unusual weird kingdom. Some one taught him a lesson. What was the lesson and will he become himself again Series Update: Completed Words: 36, Welcome to Gol D. Rogers University, the most normal collage you could go to. But thanks to the famous name, everyone was wanting to attend such a school. Zoro was accepted into the school by a mysterious person. So this being his second year, he meet this annoying blond headed r This has been the forth time. Sanji had been caught looking in the girls locker room. Zeff has had the last straw. He would be sent off to an academy. Sanji is determined to make Zoro his and will stop at nothing to do it, even poisoning the crew. Demons based off the seven sins. Sanji is a high priest.
Let nobody tell you otherwise! Hymne der Sonne 1 Die Männer luden direkt erneut ihre Pistolen und zielten auf Pas. Puzzled at two utter failures he brought up his third and last idea. DO NOT READ IF IT IS NOT YOUR CUP OF TEA! Um sicher zu gehen, möchte die Marine alle Stadtbewohner töten.
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Aber am Ende belauscht er, was mit ihm passiert ist, und Ruffy macht ihn darauf aufmerksam, dass er. Miezi is a fanfiction author that has written 5 stories for Harry Potter, One Piece, and Digimon. Zahlreiche Schlachten wurden geschlagen, es wurde gevotet bis der Arzt kam und alles in. Blöd nur, dass er und Sanji in einer Stadt zwei Prostituierte sehen und der. Eigentlich war es nie geplant gewesen, Ruffy aufzuklären. Nach gut einem Monat ist es nun endlich soweit! Zoro war der Erste, der sich aufregte.Suddenly he heard footsteps rushing up the stairs. Vor Luce standen 5 Männer, die schadenfroh über Luce überraschten Gesichtsausdruck lachten. Nachdem du ohnmächtig geworden warst, habe ich dich in den Hafen der Stadt geschafft wo ich dann einen Arzt getroffen habe. Kuona, der Teufel: The walk was quiet and both enjoyed the silence, Ichigo was happy because he thought if neither of them talked he could not get in trouble but Nel on the other hand was just enjoying the moment but later she tried to think of a way to thank Ichigo for the day and all her new things. Luce, der an Deck eingeschlafen war, wachte auf. Kuzans Gewissen das Wissen, welches die Welt zum Guten verändern wird Es gibt endlos viele Gründe, aber diese sollten erst einmal reichen. Plötzlich hatte der Captain Hunger. Danach rannten beide los! Ängstlich hielt sich der Welpe die Pfoten vor seine Augen. In der Partyzone feierte ein blau haariger Typ mit Popeye-Muskeln. Von da an wusste er dass er auch noch gut kochen konnte. Ichigo had to carry all the clothes while the sells assistant was consulting Nel on the latest fashion. Charakter: Peeta Mellark aus Die Tribute von Panem Fotos: 7 Neuestes: Es geht um ein Versprechen das vor langer Zeit gegeben wurde, zwischen Jimbei und Arlong Sein Körper brach zusammen. Monkey D. Mobile Version. Sie telefonierte grad mit einer Teleschnecke die speziell unabhörbar und auf einer Geheimnissequenz funktionierte. How I Met Your Father Sanji x Zolo Kumo schaute seinen Gegner unbeeindruckt an. Während er einfach nur da lag und die Wellen beobachtete, erschien plötzlich etwas am Horizont. Votet für Ruffy! Wird Pas einen neuen Mitstreiter finden? In ihm wird der kalte Geschmackt der Hoffnungslosigkeit breit, doch Sanji lässt sich nicht unterkriegen. Er ging noch eine ganze Weile und kam dann an einem kleinen Häuschen, nahe dem Waldrand an. Jedoch sind wir nicht in der Lage diese zu entziffern. Oktober , aus folgendem Grund: Hochladen von den anderen Kapiteln. Naruto Is the idea of Zoro liking him back that impossible? Suddenly Nel started punching herself in the gut.