Alexander von Humboldt's expedition from till to the "equinoctial regions of the new world" led through Venezuela, Cuba, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico. In Europe an increased knowledge of the "New World" was connected with the privately funded journey, which served purely scientific purposes and had nothing to do with the exploration and exploitation of natural resources. Besides the research results, which were based on new measuring methods and the quantitative ascertainment of scientific basics, the journey also made possible detailed descriptions in matters of regional Alexander Von Humboldt Era Gay including social, socio-economic, political, and economic-geographic circumstances, which were based on empirical field studies. The expedition took place shortly before the political change in Latin America. Humboldt, who still experienced the feudal character of global economy based on slave labor in the colonies, vehemently criticized this economic structure - although he was a noble - and its unbearable social conditions. This is the reason why Humboldt is still admired in Latin America till this day. In Europe the scientific insights of his journey to the tropics and his innovative impulses in geog raphy as well as in many other disciplines brought him fame and lasting recognition as a universal scholar, who had crucial influence on the development of the sciences during the first half of the 19th century. Scientific findings of Alexander von Humboldt's expedition into the Spanish-American Tropics from a geographical point of view. Department of Economic and Social Geography, Center of Latin American Studies, Institute of Geography, University of Tübingen, Hölderlinstrasse 12, D Tübingen, Germany. In Europe the scientific insights of his journey to the tropics and his innovative impulses in geog raphy as well as in many other disciplines brought him fame and lasting recognition as a universal scholar, who had crucial influence on the development of the sciences during the first half of the 19 th century. Key words: historical geography, regional studies, Latin America, Spanish colonies, Alexander von Humboldt. With his return to Europe on August 1, Alexander von Humboldt concluded his famous journey to the "equinoctial regions of the New World. Not only did this journey mark the transition from the earlier voyages of discovery to a new phase of expeditions focused on clearly Alexander Von Humboldt Era Gay scientifically defined problems, it also conveyed a new view of the "New World" to the European public. In the center of Humboldt's venture was not the state-funded conquest and exploration of natural resources for the exploitation of a colony by its mother country. The explorers broke new ground in science with the help of their analytical proceedings on the basis of countless measurements and methods of quantifying observations and their use of modern instruments and the synthetic synopsis in the form of topographic maps, which were more accurate than anything known so far, as well as detailed landscape profiles of the places they visited. The comprehensive collection of thousands of species of plants did not only serve the discovery of new species itself, but, through the barometric ascertainment of altitude and differences in temperature, it also served the creation of a three-dimensional view of the differentiation of natural and cultural areas in tropical high mountain ranges. Unlike the mere natural scientists of the 18 th century Humboldt attached great importance to the careful observation of anthropogenic factors as well as to empirical field studies. In his scientific and methodological concept he was strongly influenced by Immanuel Kant. Without ever going into detail about it, Alexander von Humboldt had secretly chosen the tropics as a destination for his journeys since his younger years. As had been arranged, he enrolled at the University of Frankfurt on the Oder and studied the unloved fiscal accounting. Before the Prussian capital Berlin did not yet have a university. He interrupted his university education to pursue intense study in the field of botany as a student of the well-known Willdenow. In on a field trip during his studies, which he subsequently resumed in Göttingen and at the Hamburg business academy, he became acquainted with Georg Forster, who strengthened his interest in the tropics. The journeys with Forster to Holland, England, and France in did not only train Humboldt's capacity of observation, but the trip to Paris also had a profound impact, as he was introduced to new ideas of liberty brought about by the French Revolution. In the same year the year old submitted the first draft of his plant geography to Georg Forster. Humboldta, b,, in Humboldt already began to systematically prepare the journey tothe tropics of the New World. Although journeys were a part of the classical educational program of the elite in Europe, the journey to Italy and Switzerland in by all means already possessed the character of a research trip. There he did not only transform already existing geological, physical-geographic, plant-geographic, and astronomic knowledge through observation and also through his contact with scientists from Geneva, but he also tested the most modern instruments and gained practical experience in the determination of location and altitude as well as in the drawing of ground profiles and maps. He also concerned himself with such geographic field studies in Spain while he was waiting for his departure for the New World. When, after their mother's death, the brothers Alexander and Wilhelm von Humboldt could dispose of a substantial fortune, Alexander's expedition plans were pursued with determination, and the journey to the tropics was most carefully prepared. Despite the best offers he quit his job in the civil service and devoted himself entirely to science. In Humboldt initially concentrated his journey preparations on Paris, reckoned as the scientific center of the world. In Paris Humboldt, who had already established a network of scientific contacts all over Central Europe by means of visits and extensive correspondence, met with the very best of the French natural sciences. While his plans to travel to Upper Egypt and to accompany Baudin on a circumnavigation of the globe came to nothing, he became acquainted with Bonpland in Paris. It was he who became Humboldt's companion on his journeys to the New World. Above all he attended to the botanic collections and the description of species. Thanks to the diplomatic support of the Saxon envoy Forell the Prussian Calvinist Humboldt managed to be received in audience by his majesty, the Catholic King of Spain Charles IV. Although foreigners were not allowed to enter Spanish colonies, he and Bonpland received passports and comprehensive travel permits. This also included the support of local authorities as well as the use of Spanish vessels. Humboldt was aware of the fact that the Spanish government had never before trusted a foreigner more than him. In comparison the expedition of the French Academy of Sciences in Ecuador and Peru led by La Condamine a few decades earlier suffered from military monitoring and travel restrictions. Alexander von Humboldt knew that a continuation of his journey from the Rio Orinoco into the Brazilian Amazon-river-system, which was claimed Alexander Von Humboldt Era Gay Portugal, would be impossible. Portugal had guarded its colony Brazil against the Spanish territories. As the Portuguese feared Humboldt might be a spy, the authorities in Rio de Janeiro, at the behest of the King of Portugal, posted a reward for the arrest of Humboldt in case he entered Brazil.
Neben dem Austausch von gesammelten Pflanzenproben bestand ein umfangreicher Briefwechsel. Ritter, Humboldt und die moderne Geographie. Mit der Beobachtung des Durchgangs des Planeten Merkur am 9. Humboldts Naturgemälde der Tropenländer und Goethes ideale Landschaft. Ehrendoktor [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ].
Taking Alexander von Humboldt as a paramount example, who expressly devoted his life to "observing and recording" the world, pen in hand, this paper explores. Conference in homage to three distinguished travelers and scientists: Alexander von Humboldt, the traveler of the Americas, and Claudio Gay and Ignacio Domeyko. Humboldt und die Zeit nach beziehen. Lussac . Zum einen war. Humboldts erste Reise, die schwerpunktmäßig der Er- forschung des Erdmagnetismus gewidmet war, war sei- ne zusammen mit dem Chemiker Joseph Louis Gay-. Alexander von Humboldt der Erste, der / in Gemeinschaft mit Gay-Lussac fand, dass sich.Juni bei der Besteigung des Chimborazo Meter fast bis zum Gipfel, mussten aber wegen einer unpassierbaren Felsspalte bis Meter unterhalb des Kraters umkehren. Stuttgart, 3 vol. The results of this expedition can also be found in many journals as well as in expert's reports compiled for officials in Mexico. Humboldt wurde am 7. Unabhängiges, politisches Journal , 9. The new ideal of liberty was contrasted with the heyday of the European colonial period, which in the New World, was already approaching its end. Ein biographisches Portrait , S. STEVENS-MIDDLETON RL. Humboldt schrieb in einem Brief vom selben Tag:. Sein Hauptaugenmerk galt nun der bestmöglichen Erziehung und Ausbildung der Söhne, für die er sich um Hauslehrer bemühte, die aufklärerischem Denken nahestanden. Dies bot ihm vielerlei Vertiefungsmöglichkeiten zu Geographie und Reiseberichten. Kindheit und Jugend [ Bearbeiten Quelltext bearbeiten ]. Berliner Manuskripte zur Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschung. Mexico-City was the largest city of the New World, and in , people lived there. Carl Ritter considered Humboldt the scientific discoverer of America. In: edition humboldt digital, hg. Deren Resultate, die die Muskelbewegung auslösende Nerventätigkeit messbar machen, fasste er als Weiterführung seiner Versuche auf. Hauptsächlich interessierten ihn Indien , der Himalaya und Tibet. In these two Humboldt established in the best sense modern, problem-oriented regional studies Schmieder , the basics of modern geography Stevens-Middleton , which for the first time also systematically set forth economic- and socio-geographic subject-matters. WILHELMY H. In: WILHELMY H, ENGELMANN G AND HARD G. Alexander von Humboldts Wirken wurde mit der zeitgenössischen Denkrichtung der Naturphilosophie in Verbindung gebracht, zumal er mit einigen ihrer Vertreter in brieflichem und persönlichem Kontakt stand. MEYER-ABICH KM. Humboldt still came to see the colonial global economy based on slave labor. Besonders drastisch kritisierte Alexander von Humboldt im Reisetagebuch die Willkürherrschaft der Mönche in den Missionen der spanischen Kolonien, vor allem in Venezuela.