The Rough Guide German Phrasebook, PDF. Reprinted inand Revised in This updated edition published in by Rough Guides Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL Hudson St, 4th Floor, New YorkUSA Gay Ft Hallenbad Freiburg mail roughguides. Distributed by the Penguin Group. Penguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL Penguin Putnam, Inc. Typeset in Bembo and Helvetica to an original design by Henry Iles. Printed in Italy by LegoPrint S. A No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews. Lexus Ltd pp. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue for this book is available from the British Library. ISBN ISBN The publishers and authors have done their best to ensure the accuracy and currency of all information in The Rough Guide German Phrasebook however, they can accept no responsibility for any loss or inconvenience sustained by any reader using the book. Online information about Rough Guides can be found at our website www. Scenarios English - German German - English Menu Reader Food How the Language Works Pronunciation BASICS T he Rough Guide German phrasebook is a highly practi- cal introduction to the contemporary language. Laid out in clear A-Z style, it uses key-word referencing to lead you straight to the words and phrases you want so if you need to book a room, just look up room. The Rough Guide gets. The main part of the Rough Guide is a double dictionary: English-German then German-English. Before that, theres a section called Basic Phrases and to get you involved in two- way communication, the Rough Guide includes, in this new edition, a set of Scenario dialogues illustrating questions and responses in key situations such as renting a car and asking directions. You can hear these and then download them free from www. Forming the heart of the guide, the English-German section gives easy-to-use transliterations of the German words wherev- er pronunciation might be a problem. Throughout this section, cross-references enable you to pinpoint key facts and phrases, while asterisked words indicate where further information can be found in a section at the end of the book called How the Language Works. This section sets out the fundamental rules of the language, with plenty of practical examples. Youll also find here other essentials like numbers, dates, telling the time and basic phrases. In the German-English dictionary, weve given you not just the phrases youll be likely to hear starting with a selection of slang and colloquialisms but also many off the signs, labels, instructions and other basic words you may come across in print or in public places. Near the back of the book too the Rough Guide offers an extensive Menu Reader. Consisting of food and drink sections each starting with a list of essential termsits indispensable whether youre eating out, stopping for a quick drink, or browsing through a local food market. Gute Reise! OK thank you very much okay Gay Ft Hallenbad Freiburg Dank feelen dont mention it hello bitte hallo bitt-uh good morning guten Morgen how do you do? BASIC PHRASES Id like a Id like to I dont understand das verstehe ich nicht was kostet das? Accommodation is there an inexpensive hotel you can recommend?
English German [tashen-deep] perfect perfekt [pairfekt] pick up: will you be there to perfume das Parfm [parfOO O m] pick me up? English German at Gnters bei Gnter [by] away: go away! Wir kommen sicher wieder. FT Freiburg Freiburg im Breisgau Öffnungszeiten. List of Personal Pronouns in French Grammar Document 9 pages.
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Ansons- ten hast du bei Angelique eine Das Freiburger Eugen-Keidel-Bad hat fünf verschiedene Becken mit Wassertempe. Die. te („It fits 8 people or 12 gay men!“) sehr willkommene Entspannung. Donnerstag ist Gay-Kino-Tag. Wie aber sieht es jenseits von Klischees aus? Nähere Infos zum FT-Hallenbad unter straße nicht in die Schwarzwaldstraße einfahren können. Stattdessen erreicht man. Das Abend- programm wurde eingeläutet durch ein festliches leckeres Dreigängemenü, bei. Waldes und des Weines. Freiburg hat viele Etiketten: Wohl- fühlstadt, Klimahauptstadt, Stadt des.How the Language Works Pronunciation German Grammar and Usage Document 72 pages. Fitness-Loft Woman. Wirtschaft f [veert-shafft] pub; womit [vo-mit] with which; economy with what Wirtshaus n [veerts-howss] inn; worauf [vo-rowf] up on which pub worden [vorden] been wissen [vissen] to know worin [vo-rin] in which wisst [vist] know Wort n [vort] word Witwe f [vitv-uh] widow Wrterbuch n [vurterbOOKH] Witwer m [vitver] widower dictionary Witz m [vits] joke wovon [vo-fon] from which; wo? German English O ro] Regenmantel m [raygen-mantel] travel agency raincoat Reisefhrer m [rize-uh-fOO O rer] Regenschirm m [raygen-sheerm] guide; guidebook umbrella reisen [rize-en] to travel Regierung f [regeeroong] Reisende [ryzend-uh] government passengers regnen [rayknen] to rain Reisepass m [rize-uh-pas] es regnet [ess rayk-net] its passport raining Reiseproviant m [rize-uh- regnerisch [rayknerish] rainy prohvee-ant] food for the Reh n [ray] roe deer journey Reibe f [ribe-uh] grater Reisescheck m [rize-uh-sheck] reich [rysh] rich travellers cheque reichen: das reicht [rysht] thats Reiverschluss m [rice- enough fairshlooss] zip reif [rife] ripe Reitsport m [rite-shport] horse Reifen m [ryfen] tyre riding Reifendruck m [ryfendroock] Reitweg m [rite-vayk] bridle. German Quickly Document pages. Seite 92 und 92 Granada: wurde mit dem süd Seite 95 und www. German Verbs From Everand. Mike Was Wearing A Dirty Old Coat. German English leaflet house rules Hansaplast n [hanzaplast] Hausschuhe [howss-shOO-uh] Elastoplast, US Band-Aid slippers hart hard Haustier n [howsteer] pet Hase m [hahz-uh] hare; rabbit Hauswirt m [howssveert] Hass m hatred landlord hassen to hate Hauswirtin f [howss-veertin] hsslich [hesslish] ugly landlady hast have Haut f [howt] skin hat has Hautreiniger m [howt-ryniger] hatte [hatt-uh] had skin cleanser htte [hett-uh] would have; had Hbf Hauptbahnhof central hatten, hattest had station Haupt- [howpt] main Heft n exercise book Hauptbahnhof m [howpt- Heftzwecke f [heft-tsveck-uh] bahnhohf] central station drawing pin Hauptpost f [howpt-posst] main Heilufttrockner m [hice-looft- post office trockner] hot-air hand-drier. German English berholen [OO UKW Ultrakurzwelle [OO-kah- overtake vay] FM berholen verboten no um [oom] around; at overtaking um Es wäre so einfach mit ein paar kleinen Services die Mitglieder zufrieden zu stellen. Communications ADSL modem das ADSL-Modem [ah-day-ess-el-modem] at at dial-up modem das DF-Modem [day-ef-OO-modem] dot Punkt [poonkt] Internet das Internet mobile phone das Handy [hendy] password das Passwort [pas-vort] telephone socket der Telefonstecker- [telefohn-shtecker adaptor adapter -adapter] wireless hotspot der Hotspot is there an Internet caf around here? Living Language Ultimate German II Document pages. Der Studioleiter ist jedoch leider inkompetent und absolut unsympathisch Florian Krätzig : Alles, was man braucht und entspannte Atmosphäre. Language difficulties a few words ein paar Wrter [ine pahr vurter] interpreter der Dolmetscher [dolmetsher] to translate bersetzen [OO O berzetsen]. English German Selbstbedienung [zelpst- Schatten [shatten] bedeenoong] shake: lets shake hands sell verkaufen [fairkowfen] geben wir uns die Hand do you sell? FKK-Palast Freiburg im Breisgau Öffnungszeiten. Qualittsware quality goods Prinz m [prints] prince Qualle f [kvall-uh] jellyfish. Sehr breite 50m Schwimmbahn. German English German parliament Chirurg m [sheeroork], Chirurgin Burg f [boork] castle f surgeon Brgersteig m [bOO O rger-shtike] Coiffeur m [kwaffur] hairdresser pavement, sidewalk Bro n [bOO O ro] office D Broartikel office supplies Brste f [bOO O rst-uh] brush da there; as; since Busbahnhof m [booss-bahnhohf] Dach n [daKH] roof bus station Dachboden m [daKHbohden] Bushaltestelle f [booss-halt-uh- attic shtell-uh] bus stop Dachgepcktrger m [daKH- bzw. Say It in German: New Edition From Everand. German Verbs Document 29 pages. HOW THE LANGUAGE WORKS Subject Pronouns. Regio Bäder GmbH Rbg Freiburg im Breisgau Öffnungszeiten. The corresponding plural form adds a -t to the singular: wartet! Die meisten Girls sind fett oder hässlich. Idiom Attack Vol. Wegen es auf jedenfall nicht wieder besuchen und auch nicht weiterempfehlen. Learning German Ebook Document 36 pages. Es ist unglaublich was sich diese Geschäftsleitung erlaubt. You shouldnt be tempted to use any of the stronger ones unless you are sure of your audience. Mal dort übernachten. The Complete A-Z of German Verbs: Monolingual German - English Book of Verbs for German Learners From Everand. Document Information click to expand document information Original Title The Rough Guide German Phrasebook, Klein und fein!