Warnings : Smut. Dirty talk. Filthy talk. Mention of multiple orgasms. Corruption kink duh. SF9 x F! Bodied Reader. Oral f receiving. Unprotected sex sry YB. Wall sex RW. Shower sex HY. Fingering JY. Praise kink. Degradation kink mildly. Mention of creampie. Pussy pleaser Zuho agenda. Voyeurism implied. Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. Minors DNI. Warnings: Smut, explicit language, nudism, nipple licking, nipple sucking, bruising, mention of bruising, nicknames, fingering, clit stimulation, dirty talking, unprotected sex, aftercare. Do not take this as educational, this is fiction! You were laying on the couch when he steps into the living room, and you give him a wide smile. You note that his hair was sticky with sweat, and that veins were bulging from his wrists and going up his arms. He gives you a sweet smile in return and makes his way to the couch, the tight top he wore along with the baggy sweats just seems to fit him so well. He lifts your legs and sits down on the couch before laying your legs down on top of his thighs and slides his hand up and down your leg, which quickly causes goosebumps to rise onto your skin at the warm contact. He leans back against the couch, and it was like your brain woke up. Another squeeze and you feel him begin to remove your legs, only for you to sit upright and practically pounce on him, pushing him down onto the couch. Warnings: Dirty talk, fingering, breast play, nipple play, slight thigh riding, size kink, mention of bulge kink, unprotected sex, creampie. Kinktober Masterlist. Überraschenderweise ist er anfangs sehr sanft. Er sah dich fragend an um von dir ein Signal zu bekommen das es ok sei, youngbin grinste gegen deine Lippen und plötzlich spürtest du wie er seine Zunge in deinen Mund schob wie ein ausgehungerter Mann. Er löste sich von dir um auf deinem Hals rote Flecken zu hinterlassen die er mit sanften Küssen beruhigte. Du gehörst ihm, das muss er alle wisse lassen. Eng vers. Youngbin: -it tastes like cinnamon -something spicy and sweet Surprisingly, he is very gentle at first. He wants to enjoy the moment with you until he loses Dirty Gay Smug Tumblr and realizes how beautiful you look underneath him. He looked at you questioningly to get a signal from you that it was ok, youngbin grinned against your lips and suddenly you felt him shove his tongue into your mouth like a starved man. He broke away from you to leave red marks on your neck which he soothed Dirty Gay Smug Tumblr gentle kisses. You belong to him, he must let everyone know that.
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A perverted booted skinhead. #gummistiefel#rubber#wellies#mud#farm boy. Farm boy cleaning his ATV after a ride through the forest wearing black nora Como boots. Jeden Morgen mit einem Kater und einem nackten Mann neben ihm. BULGE. Partys, Drogen, Alkohol, Sex. Das sind die vier Dinge, die das Leben von Harry Styles prägen. Blog of a perv that's into stinky smelly masculine feet, contains pics and videos of men with rough, dirty, filthy feet and socks. Masculine denim, boots 'n jocks. A gay perverted booted skinhead into anything Filthy, dirty jeans.Rowoon: -sweet and a little like coconut Rowoon is very patient, sometimes it may take too long. Er überwältigte dich einfach. Minors DNI. Es ist ihm egal ob er keine Luft mehr bekommen, solang er dich küssen kann. Er hält dein Gesicht ganz sanft in deinen Händen und streichelt deine Wangen mit seinem Daumen. Wichtiger Hinweis zu allen Links auf dieser Homepage: Mit Urteil vom Inseong starts by holding your face in his hands to kiss you slowly and long. Er ist kein geduldiger Mann. Youngbin: -it tastes like cinnamon -something spicy and sweet Surprisingly, he is very gentle at first. Seine Hände landen auf deiner Taille und drückten dich fest an seinen Körper während er einen Zungenkampf um die Kontrolle dieses Kusses zu bekommen focht. Eigentlich hat er nicht mehr geplant als diesen Kuss, doch dieser Kuss war zu verführerisch um ihn nicht noch weiter zuführen. Es ist wie eine erhitzte Sauerei, die dich nach Luft schnappen lässt. He broke away from you to leave red marks on your neck which he soothed with gentle kisses. He dominated you and took you completely. Note: Blank blogs will be blocked. He pushed you back against the sofa and held your hands in his, right next to your head. He looked at you questioningly to get a signal from you that it was ok, youngbin grinned against your lips and suddenly you felt him shove his tongue into your mouth like a starved man. Kinktober Masterlist. Fuck Yeah Crew Socks Crew socks. They are your closest and most trusted friends. That's why you often take the lead at first. Kinktober Masterlist. Sanft und ungeduldig. Actually, he didn't plan more than this kiss, but this kiss was too seductive not to continue. Von deinem Rücken aus streichen sie hinunter bis zu deinem Po, den er dann umfasst. Maybe so you started resenting him as much as you did; the fact that he was your complete opposite. Ger vers- Hwiyoung: -Ramen -bisschen scharf und ein wenig nach Kimchi. Bodied Reader.