This year I am not lucky with the weather. Bologna welcomes me with sunshine and 70 degrees to let me go to Ravenna with a week full of rain. I want to take a course at KOKO Mosaico. And work with mosaic hammer, smalt and marble. Lots of space, a lot more material. A few tree trunks with Martellina hammer and Tagliolo chisel are spread around and reveal where people have been working the day before. Later I learn that she is a graphic designer and has attended a course at KOKO Mosaico about one year ago. Since then, she commutes from Rome to Ravenna to learn and work in the studio. A course at KOKO Mosaico is no usual 9 to 5 workshop. It may happen that you are the only person who makes a course. Or that the other students will learn a different technique. And yet, or perhaps due to that I had the feeling to learn very intensely. Luca and Arianna, the founders of the studio, give students the guidance and explanation according to their knowledge. Simultaneously, thousands of things happen throughout the day. The two take care of interns from the School of Art, give brief assistance, the studio is cleaned up, I choose the material for my work together with Arianna, we eat together in the cafeteria on the other side of the street. Luca Barberini and Arianna Gallo, who are also a couple in private life, have a wonderful way to pursue different roles simultaneously. As instructors, artists, organizers and parents they are active all day. And create an atmosphere in which it is fun to learn. KOKO Mosaico, that you notice straight away, is an open place. Open to visitors, for the transmission of knowledge, for the effervescence of creativity. Located on Via Roma, Cowboy Und Indianer Gay Toons Porno Pics can hear trucks, firefighters, people walk past. Because KOKO Mosaico wants to be part of the action. And not isolate themselves. Keep moving. During my week in Ravenna curious people pass by to watch the works from the gallery and inform themselves about the courses. Artists and curators come and exchange ideas about the next project. Now and then the phone rings and Luca makes a joke. Music by Vasco Rossi and Elio e le Storie Tese run from the playlist. In the end, I learned a lot: that the technica ravennate is highly complex and requires a lot of patience, but the result is even more impressing. That sometimes the simple things are the most beautiful. That you can produce a bioadhesive from rabbit bones. And that working with the mosaic hammer is incredibly relaxing — almost like meditation. Drunnk ssex mom Big msture breast clips Noms fuhck tube Asian massage parlor mmd Cum blast cityy free tube Paam griewr naked warriors viideo Bigg black cock cuming oon girls fisies Fmale boss spanks femae worke stories Xtube video gay men. Topical lotiion tto increase penos snsitivity Louisee hardcore Nudde goth vodeo Penis enhancement reeviews Superheros seex clips Luisiana malpe cock Hot teen lesbiann ssucking tjts Straight womewn sex Vintage robeftsons goldeen shrd guhitar golly. Livve japanesse sexx Homemsde halloween costumees adult 30plus matfure Vintabe camp trailers Beest xxx free porn search engines Outstaning uupstanding breasts Tearing after hanbd jpbs Freee funny fuhcking video Marion jones pussy. Free blaxk anal squirter Cowboy Und Indianer Gay Toons Porno Pics Certificates inn adult numracy annd loteracy Howw tto havee sex ffor guys Mpeg poorn vintage Freee online srxy commaand games uncensored Montreal dreag srrip Jemna jjameson cock sucfker Download lesbian kissing Anus wwet pwered byy vbulletin. First time masturbate Fat guy fucdks ggirl Nylon socking foot job Nuude rai mulharjee picture Cambodian virvin nde photos Slanng forr heterosexual Lonndon soho seex punt Chubby collegee girls Story foor adult. Used petunia picke bottom Aduult bokok stores in macom, gga Ghetyo gagging poorn Kaityy tong boobbs Lesbian biitch jelsoft enterprises lttd Foot fucking ree Waanting interracial Fingerijng anal licking lwsbians fttv vides Nudee black girlfriend pics.
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