Im Rahmen eines bio-psycho-sozialen Verständnisses von Sexualität werden Gender Orgasm Gaps theoretisch sehr unterschiedlich erklärt. Zudem wird Frauen und Männern geraten, mehr direkte klitorale Stimulation in den Heterosex zu integrieren und Orgasmen von Frauen gesellschaftlich zu demarginalisieren. Schlussfolgerung Aus dem bisherigen Forschungsstand leitet sich die Notwendigkeit ab, Fragen rund um den Gender Orgasm Gap weiterhin in Wissenschaft und Praxis zu bearbeiten. Within a bio-psycho-social model of sexuality, gender orgasm gaps are explained theoretically in very different ways. Objectives The aim of this research review is to report the empirical findings to date on the size of the gender orgasm gap as well as to present and critically discuss the proposed practice measures intended to close it. The measures proposed in previous literature for closing the orgasm gap relate to personal factors, relationship factors, sexual interaction factors, and societal factors: Women are advised to strive more consciously for their own orgasm and to talk more openly about their sexual wishes in the relationship. Conclusion Based on the current state of research, there is a need to continue addressing issues around the gender orgasm gap in both research and practice. Year Archive Subscribe to RSS Please copy the URL and add it into your RSS Feed Reader. Download PDF. Z Sex Forsch ; 35 02 : DOI: Institut für Medien und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Technische Universität Ilmenau. Schlüsselwörter Feminismus - Heterosexualität - Sexuelle Bildung - sexuelle Skripte - weiblicher Orgasmus. Key words female orgasm - feminism - heterosexuality - sexuality education - sexual scripts. PubMed Search in Google Scholar. Crossref PubMed Search in Google Scholar. Search in Google Scholar. Thieme Connect PubMed Search in Google Scholar.
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