CONCERTS FESTIVALS SPORTS NIGHTLIFE THEATER MORE. Photo: Frank Schwichtenberg. Opened in the early seventies, Fabrik is a popular venue that features all kinds of musical styles, including jazz, funk, blues, punk and world music. The audience can either stand in front of the stage, sit on one of the wooden benches or enjoy the music from the gallery upstairs. There are two bars, a cafe and a snack bar, which offer a variety of refreshments. The Fabrik Gay Factory Fabrik Hamburg hosts flea markets, activities for children and club events like the 'Gay Factory', 'Danceteria' and the Altonaer dance night. ADD EVENT. Upcoming Events 22 germany. Sunday - 29 Dec TRIVUE - Mehr Triathlon an einem Abend geht nicht. Monday - 20 Jan LaFee Hamburg Tickets. Tuesday - 28 Jan Brian Jonestown Massacre. Thursday - 30 Jan Tommy Emmanuel. Wednesday - 05 Feb Set It Off. Tuesday - 11 Feb Orange Blossom CANCELLED. Friday - 14 Feb Friday - 21 Feb Cattle Decapitation. Saturday - 22 Feb Porter Robinson. Other Popular Venues Stage Theater im Hafen. Haus Drei. Barclays Arena. Theater an der Elbe. Operettenhaus Hamburg. Altonaer Theater. Pauli Theater. Hamburger Puppentheater im Haus Flachsland. Lola Kulturzentrum e. Already have an account? Sign In. Forgot your password? Sign in with Facebook. Don't have an account? Sign Up Now. As a verified user, you will be granted access to our quick upload forms, that allow you to upload content faster. Forgot Password. Please select the account you would like to continue with. You will be automatically logged off from Gay Factory Fabrik Hamburg other account. Note: Please separate each email address with a comma.
Hamburg: 20 Jahre GAYFACTORY
Gay Party Hamburg | Hamburgs beste Party & Clubs für Queers Die Gayfactory feierte ihren Geburtstag mit einer "Big Birthday Bash" in der Fabrik in Hamburg am April Die Veranstaltung bot Musik aus den. MAGAZINEVENTSFOTOSLOCATIONS · Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg. Gay Factory. Startseite - Fabrik HamburgThere are at least three levels, but when I was there they had only opened up one and a half. Particularly impressed that the ladies' toilets were clean with no queue and that the drinks were cheap. Learn more about reviews. Recommended Reviews. Overall rating.
Upcoming Events (22)
Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg» Gay Factory. Die Gayfactory feierte ihren Geburtstag mit einer "Big Birthday Bash" in der Fabrik in Hamburg am April Die Veranstaltung bot Musik aus den. Zum mal öffnet due GAYFACTORY sei. Kommentare. Fotograf: Todde · prev · next. ImpressumNutzungsbedingungenDatenschutzWerbungKontaktJobsFotoscout. DIEGAYFACTORY/ FABRIK PÄSENTIERT: G A Y F A C T O R Y UHR LES-BI-SCHWULE PARTY IN DER FABRIK! MAGAZINEVENTSFOTOSLOCATIONS · Hamburg» Fabrik Hamburg. Gay Factory.Verdict: great music venue, will go again. There are two bars, a cafe and a snack bar, which offer a variety of refreshments. Alistair H. Porter Robinson. Qype User filcha… Copenhagen, Denmark. People Also Viewed. Love this 1. Cookies sind auf Ihrem Gerät gespeicherte Textdateien, die von Webseiten verwendet werden, um die Benutzererfahrung effizienter und vor allem optimaler zu gestalten. Präferenz-Cookies ermöglichen einer Webseite sich an Informationen zu erinnern, welche die Art beeinflussen, wie sich eine Webseite verhält oder aussieht. Overall rating. X-Mas Reggae Show. Registriert eine eindeutige ID, die von Google verwendet wird, um Statistiken dazu, wie der Besucher YouTube-Videos auf verschiedenen Websites nutzt, zu behalten. Qype User Darjee… Hamburg, Germany. Hier gibt es oft Jazz, häufig Ethno aus aller Welt, dann wieder alten Rock, Tanzfeten, Gay-Nächte, Flohmärkte, Diskussionsforen, Frühschoppen eben alles was begehrt wird und das hoffentlich noch viele weitere Dekaden! Accepts Debit Cards. The Busters LOUD. Registriert eine eindeutige ID, um Statistiken der Videos von YouTube, die der Benutzer gesehen hat, zu behalten. See all photos from Alistair H. Der FABRIK Newsletter ist wirklich gut. Next Event:. Already have an account? I can't believe that it took me a year to finally get along to Fabrik - I'll definitely be back - I'd like to go for one of their club nights. Pauli Theater. The Fabrik also hosts flea markets, activities for children and club events like the 'Gay Factory', 'Danceteria' and the Altonaer dance night. LaFee Hamburg Tickets. The Tiger Lillies. Thursday - 30 Jan Can see that this would be an amazing club venue - 3 floors to party on, seating, loads of standing areas - plus space away from the speakers if you need to have a chat! Fabrik is a brilliant concert venue. Fabrik is a really interesting venue to see many a "mid-sized" band in Hamburg. The Hooters 45 Alive - 45th Anniversary Tour Lass uns im Gespräch bleiben! Recommended Reviews. The roof is so high that it feels like a cathedral, but actually I think it used to be a factory of some kind. Tommy Emmanuel.