Preferred Citation: Jacobson, Arthur, and Bernhard Schlink, editors. Weimar: A Jurisprudence of Crisis. Berkeley: University of California Press, c Abolitionists in the s and s, and communists in the s did not, of course, claim fidelity to the Constitution, but neither group had significant influence over anyone in the United States who was, or could claim to be, in Christian Geier Hannover Gay of an army. Woodrow Wilson, Constitutional Government in the United States New York: Columbia University Press,2. The conversion of Judge Richard Posner of the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit from law and economics theorist when he was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School to cornhusking pragmatist is a case in point. Gerhard Anschütz, Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, vol. Erich Kaufmann, Veröffentlichungen der Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer, vol. Laband succinctly and profoundly outlined his program in the famous foreword to his Das Staatsrecht des Deutschen Reiches, 3 vols. Tübingen and Leipzig: Mohr,1:x ff. Compare especially his review of the first edition of Laband's Das Staatsrecht des Deutschen Reiches, in Literarisches Centralblatt für Deutschland Leipzig: Avenarius,cols. On the constitutional history of the Weimar Republic, see especially Willibald Apelt, Geschichte der Weimarer Verfassung, 2nd ed. Munich and Berlin: Beck, ; Ernst Rudolf Huber, Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte Berlin, Stuttgart, and Cologne: Kohlhammer, —84vols. Bericht über die Zeit vom 9. November — The origin of the Weimar Constitution is documented in detail, along with all relevant discussions in the National Assembly, in Die Deutsche Nationalversammlung im Jahre in ihrer Arbeit für den Aufbau des neuen deutschen Volksstaates, ed. Eduard Helfrohn, 9 vols. On the problem of Prussia and the Reich, see Dietrich Orlow, Weimar Prussia — The Unlikely Rock of Democracy Christian Geier Hannover Gay University of Pittsburgh Press,89 ff. Jahrhundert Christian Geier Hannover Gay am Main: Suhrkamp,ff. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp,23 ff. Gerhard A. Ritter Düsseldorf: Droste,ff. See Achim Kurz, Demokratische Diktatur? See Larry Eugene Jones, German Liberalism and the Dissolution of the Weimar Party System, — Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,ff. See Michael Stürmer, Koalition und Opposition in der Weimarer Republik — Düsseldorf: Droste, On the final phase of the Weimar Republic, —33, see Karl Dietrich Bracher, Die Auflösung der Weimarer Republik: Eine Studie zum Problem des Machtverfalls in der Demokratie Stuttgart and Düsseldorf: Droste, ; Gerhard Schulz, Von Brüning zu Hitler: Der Wandel des politischen Systems in Deutschland — Berlin: de Gruyter, See Dietrich Orlow, Weimar Prussia, — The Illusion of Strength Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press,ff. Otto Kirchheimer, Weimar—und was dann? Berlin: Laub [Jungsozialistische Schriftenreihe], One can date the inception from when the Continental Congress began acting for all practical purposes like a sovereign state but without the formal attributes of what theorists at the time would have considered sovereignty. Gordon S. Wood, The Creation of the American Republic, — New York: W. Similarly, one can view the history of the German democratic state, beginning inas an unfolding crisis, running through the Weimar period, the Third Reich, the division of Germany into the Federal Republic and the German Democratic Republic, and concluding, after seventy years, in reunification. This series of questions roughly tracks the structure of argument in The Federalist. After an introduction, Numbers 2 through 14 are devoted to the argument for union. Numbers 15 through 22 discuss the defects of confederation as a device for union, and Numbers 23 through 46 detail the powers a national government must have for union and the powers that may be reserved to the states. Numbers 45 to the end defend the exact structures of government proposed by the Framers to instantiate national power.
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