All data can be searched via the browser search. To do this, click on "Show All" at the end of the page on the left and use the search function of the browser with CTRL F. The productivity gap between East and West Germany is a long ongoing discussion among the public and policy makers. Regional disparities still appear to be substantial. In this paper, we shed light on the role of allocative efficiency as a region? We show that over 50 percent of the East-West productivity gap is associated with a less efficient labor allocation in former East Germany. Controlling for the heterogeneity among German federal states, we perform spatial regression on official firm-level data AFiDrevealing that the regional differences in allocative efficiency are significantly associated with trade openness, competitive intensity, economies of scale and labor mobility. Two decades after the inception of open Drung Gay Porn Passed Out publishing OAits impact has remained a focal point in academic discourse. This study adopted a disruptive innovation framework to examine OA's influence on the traditional subscription market. It assesses the market power of gold journals OA full adopters in comparison with hybrid journals and closed-access journals partial adopters and non-adopters. Additionally, it contrasts the market power between hybrid journals partial adopters and closed-access journals non-adopters. Using the Lerner index to measure market power through price elasticity of demand, this study employs difference tests and multiple regressions. These findings indicate that OA full adopters disrupt the market power of non-adopting incumbents. However, by integrating the OA option into their business models, partial adopters can effectively mitigate this disruption and expand their influence from the traditional subscription market to the emerging OA paradigm. In our study, we examine how category density affects entrepreneurs? We test our hypotheses by focusing on bands in the British metal music industry. Our findings indicate that increased category density reduces the degree of category spanning, but this effect is attenuated by increased category fuzziness and an Drung Gay Porn Passed Out in the number of new ventures founded in the same market. Regional density has no moderating effect, but its positive main effect points to the independence of the effects of categorical and regional density on category spanning. Our findings facilitate theory building regarding the antecedents of category spanning and the evolution of the categorical system of markets. Our knowledge graph-based approach to explainable process analyses represents a hybrid AI approach that integrates symbolic approaches of structured knowledge and interactive machine learning methods for making algorithmic procedures traceable and representing analysis results in a human-readable form. In order to display identified weaknesses and suitable improvement measures of analyzed business processes in a user-understandable way and to enable human-in-the-loop interactions, an explainable, user-friendly interface is required. While much attention is paid to the computational aspects of generating explanations, there is a need for further research into the design of explanation user interfaces. A systematic literature review was conducted to derive a design catalog, which was demonstrated and evaluated by developing a suitable XUI for our knowledge graph-based explainable process analysis. Wiederholt wurde festgestellt, dass soziale Aspekte der Nachhaltigkeit bisher vernachlässigt sind. Ein wichtiger Teilaspekt betrifft die Akzeptanz für nachhaltige Lösungen, wobei in Unternehmen Geschäftsprozesse eine herausragende Rolle spielen. Daher identifiziert unsere Forschung Faktoren, die Prozessakzeptanz beeinflussen. Dazu wurde ein Einkaufsprozess so implementiert, dass er online durch Teilnehmer ausführbar ist. Die Studien zeigen, dass ein Online-Experiment mit mehreren Hundert Teilnehmern in kurzer Zeit weltweit durchgeführt werden kann und aussagekräftige Ergebnisse liefert. Die Entwicklung und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Dienstleistungen gilt als eines der prioritären Forschungsfelder des Dienstleistungsmarketings. Allerdings ist es gerade für Dienstleistungsunternehmen deutlich herausfordernder, ihre Nachhaltigkeitsbestrebungen gegenüber Kunden zu vermitteln. Dieser Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwiefern das individuelle Kognitionsbedürfnis von Nachfragern die Auseinandersetzung mit Nachhaltigkeitsaspekten im Dienstleistungskontext beeinflusst. Der Beitrag entwickelt ein konzeptionelles Modell, zugehörige Hypothesen und Implikationen für die weiterführende Forschung. This comprehensive review of ex post merger studies assesses the price effects of horizontal transactions to determine Drung Gay Porn Passed Out there are common post-merger price effects, both overall and in specific markets. The aim is to derive implications for policy makers and competition authorities in terms of effective merger enforcement and competition policy. By combining and further analysing the results of 52 retrospective studies on 82 mergers or horizontal transactions, it can be shown that the sector in which the respective transaction takes place alone is not a strong indicator of the direction of price-related merger effects. Diese Doktorarbeit untersucht den Prozess der frame-building in Bezug auf den Klimawandel in Indonesien, einer aufstrebenden Nation des Globalen Südens, die erheblich zu den Kohlenstoffemissionen beiträgt und stark von der Klimakrise betroffen ist. Anhand einer quantitativen Inhaltsanalyse von Pressemitteilungen der indonesischen Regierung und von Umwelt-NGOs sowie der Medienberichterstattung über den Klimawandel ermittelt die Studie, welche Art von Frames die politischen Akteure nutzen und welche Frames die Print- und Online-Medien in Indonesien verwenden. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde der Ansatz der Process tracing approach verwendet. Durch den Vergleich der strategischen Frames der Akteure und der Medien-Frames zum Klimawandel zeigt sich, dass Journalisten häufig Frames zum Klimawandel verwenden, die nicht von politischen Akteuren oder NGOs gefördert werden.
Definition von straight
Kiss The Sky Records (@kisstheskyrecords) • Instagram-Fotos und -Videos With the first European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC) in , the. EFRC has a tradition of nearly 30 years. Collecting the hottest gay erotica from ten authors, the Ultimate Gay Sampler has something for everyone - from erotic to romantic, from soldiers to doctors. STRAIGHT Definition und Bedeutung | Collins Englisch WörterbuchSee also home stretch. Managing diversity: Obstacles and challenges in cross-border journalism research -- Section 2 Actors and production of cross-border journalism. Der Begriff wird unter anderem in sexualpädagogischen Schriften z. This article provides one of the first analyses of textual-visual news concerning COVID posted by two leading German newspapers on Twitter. Digital transformation influences not only production and marketing, but also the consumption and use of goods.
Publications of the department as of 2015
EFRC has a tradition of nearly 30 years. If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are normal and conventional, for example in their opinions and in the way they live. With the first European Feminist Research Conference (EFRC) in , the. Collecting the hottest gay erotica from ten authors, the Ultimate Gay Sampler has something for everyone - from erotic to romantic, from soldiers to doctors. Follower, Gefolgt, Beiträge - Kiss The Sky Records (@kisstheskyrecords) auf Instagram: „ First St Batavia, IL established in “.Aktuell scheinen im deutschsprachigen Raum die Stimmen zu überwiegen, die beim öffentlichen Sprechen über Abtreibungserfahrungen für reproduktive Autonomie eintreten. To ensure successful implementation, however, it is crucial that moderators can correctly understand and use the software according to context-specific workplace requirements. Our cars were clearly too slow along the straights. Die Bedrohungen der IT-Sicherheit werden häufiger und komplexer. Italienisch Englisch zu Italienisch. Es wurden auch Bewertungen analysiert, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Word Wise. We present the results of the collected data through personas that portray three archetype users, Conny Connected, Stephan Skeptical, and Thomas TechFan. His teeth were perfectly straight. No reciprocal influence over time was found. In an expert review in a museum and its digital twin we observed an overall high social presence for on-site AR and remote VR visitors and found that the visualizations and the avatar embodiment successfully facilitated their communication and collaboration. Susceptibility to mis- and disinformation constitutes a risk for democracy. Dieser beinhaltet ein neues Machtkriterium - die Designation von Unternehmen mit sog. A former exotic dancer and unabashed sexual deviant with a love of kink and BDSM, Lula also possesses a passion for historical fashions, dark music, and craft beers. Previous page. Paketpreis: Kindle-Preis:. Hiking Hookup by Stella Hayne: When Bill and Jack reconnect for a hike years after college, neither of them know what to expect. Viewership of the Pro Bowl has been substantially lower than the average game day in recent years, causing controversial discussions about the viability of the game and its future. The semiotic signs of indexical, symbolic and iconic appeared in news visuals and served evidential, performative and illustrative functions. Improving risk and crisis communication theory and practice matters more than ever. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Furthermore, it allows for the segmentation of cloud segments in natural outdoor images. Researchers and practitioners have unanimously acknowledged the impact of legacy media coverage of past pandemics as well as COVID and its importance for health-related risk communication. Sicherheits- und Produktressourcen. Nevertheless, the government is the most important source for journalists on climate change reporting. However, women and men in less influential positions do not differ in the amount and type of reporting they garner. Er beschreibt die Funktionsweise der Plattform und geht auf den bisherigen Stand der Instagram-Forschung ein. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. But standing in his way is one last requirement - a physical from the campus doctor - and Dr. Through a quantitative content analysis of press releases from the Indonesian government and environmental nongovernmental organizations NGOs and media coverage of climate change, this study identifies three frames promoted by policy actors and five frames used by in-house journalists from print and online media organizations in Indonesia. Portugiesisch Englisch zu Portugiesisch.