Antwort verfassen. Zur Forenübersicht zurückkehren. Diese Seite macht ausgiebigen Gebrauch von JavaScript. Bitte aktiviert JavaScript in Eurem Browser. Classic Aussehen Thottbot Aussehen. Beitrag von ElhonnaDS Boron- I do agree that this thread has had a very Christianity Vs. Gay feel to it, and hasn't had much to do with other reasons to be anti-gay marriage. I think that the primary reason for that is that you're the first person to come in that I've seen, anyway- I skipped like 20 pages or so who is talking about it specifically from the Muslim perspective, and that most people who give non-religious arguments don't have a lot to fall back on in terms of justification or explanation. The reason that your post got flamed was not because we don't think that there should be a Mulsim perspective on the subject. It was because your specific example seemed very I understand MyTie's argument- I don't agree, but I understand it- He says his religion says it's immoral, and Am I Going To Hell If Im Gay follows his religion, so he must therefore believe it is immoral. There is a logical connection to all of the parts of that thought. Your statement seemed much more convoluted. You felt that the existence of gay people means less people are born here each year, which means more immigrants come to fill some kind of void, and since they all traditionally have more children than the average American born here, that creates friction because it created a sense of being pushed out. In response to this, many Americans are very intolerant of immigrants. And in all of that, your blame for the situation lays on the gays for not having enough kids to keep the immigrants from coming over, because if they never came over then no one would have thought up hating them. That seems like the most unconnected train of thought I've ever heard from someone not on drugs. There is no real cause an effect there, and there are a lot of people in that chain that are making conscious choices that affect the racism in this country, that to blame it on the people whose existence means that a few less children are born seems to be a stretch that would land an Olympic gymnast in the hospital. EDIT: An equivalent argument would be: Most cocoa is grown in Africa. People in the united states import a lot of cocoa, because we like chocolate. Because we do so, cocoa is an industry that employs a lot of people. If those people had no employment, they'd be more likely to emigrate, and possibly come to the US. If there were more people of African descent in the US, then African Americans would be less of a minority, and so it would be more likely that they would receive equal treatment. Hence, if people didn't eat so much chocolate, there would be equality in this country. WTF is wrong with you people who eat chocolate? Beitrag von This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Beitrag von MyTie snipSo, tell me. Is it bigoted for a person who doesn't support homosexual marriage, to support a law that end discrimination against homosexual marriage? Or is that more of 'how I said it'? Is that more 'word games'? I'd like to hear a logical reason as to why that is a bigoted stance. If it isn't a bigoted stance, I'd like a show of support for my point of view. If it is a bigoted stance. I'd like to know if you would support a law that said marriage could be between a man multiple women. I'd like to know if you'd support a law that said marriage was between a man and a horse, and his fence post. I'd like to know if you would give government benefits to such arrangements. If this is the case, apply your logic to your views here. Tell me how you can demand approval for your points of views, but deny approval to anyone else's point of view. Explain to me your subjective morality that is Am I Going To Hell If Im Gay than other people's subjective morality. I wait with peaked interest
I'm interested in seeing if there is a secular argument against granting homosexuals the right to marry and I haven't found a credible argument yet. Tammy Profil anzeigen Beiträge anzeigen. Es wurden auch Bewertungen analysiert, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. Dieses Thema wurde geschlossen. The following Phil Robertson quotes demonstrate this: "We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. Ähnliche Nachrichten.
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'Queers in the Kingdom' follows an LGBTQ alumni & allies group from Wheaton College (Billy Graham's Alma mater) as. Umfrageergebnisse: Do you think gay marriages should be legally recognised in your country? hell the other one is supposed to mean.” The fellow in cowboy boots Fag and faggot are acceptable terms among gays if no straights are present. Why are gamers so anti-LGBT? Hell no! Helldiver gamers, specifically. %. going to hell if they are lesbian or gay. Hell yes! %. I don't give a crap! After reading through that topic about adding lgbtq+ outfits, yikes wtf Its really not a big.Es wurden auch Bewertungen analysiert, um die Vertrauenswürdigkeit zu überprüfen. That said, we have to divorce the Biblical arguments against homosexuality from the Seperation arguments. If you want LGBT stuff then ask it nicely, stop saying "I'm nonbinary i wanna be represented blablabla" or "thank you for the LGBT stuff cause I'm nonbinary" WE GET IT. Beitrag von gamerunknown I would like to stay out of this one, but since, I was mentioned. Chapter 4 looks at the seven Scriptures that are the basis on which to condemn homosexuality as a sin. There were letters written in the New Testament I am a little rusty, so I don't remember who exactly where people were instructed not to let women uncover their head in church, and not to speak in church, and very, very few churches will follow this. I particularly loved reading the sections where Dr. Kindle Direct Publishing Dein E-Book veröffentlichen. Über Amazon. How do we get beyond the disagreements, divisiveness, and polarization we see playing out in our churches and society? The reason that your post got flamed was not because we don't think that there should be a Mulsim perspective on the subject. Devout Christian or practicing Homosexual can both benefit from reading this book. Queers in the Kingdom: Let Your Light Shine 1 Std. Audible Hörbücher herunterladen. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Zu dieser Seite beitragen Bearbeitung vorschlagen oder fehlenden Inhalt hinzufügen. Can you look at another one of my posts in the same light after I've posted that comment? She talks about growing up as the daughter of a missionary and when she realized that she was attracted to women. It has a cause — Satan. In the old testament, if a woman was not a virgin when she was married, the husband was supposed to kill her. It is an incredible perspective, and her voice is hopeful. You know, the whole genetic payload argument. This isn't that complicated. Now I ask that you read mine. Especially since both groups do face violence. Für Unternehmen. Ursprünglich geschrieben von VTG :.