By FRANCES HARDY FOR THE DAILY MAIL. Published: GMT, 29 September Updated: GMT, 30 September Kate Elphick recalls the shame and embarrassment of her father's fame and alcoholism in her new book, Michael Elphick: The Great Pretender. Shortly before his 50th birthday, actor Michael Elphick told his only child, Kate, that he intended to mark his half century by committing suicide. When he summoned his daughter to outline his birthday plans, she had assumed there would be talk of a party. Instead, he made a bleak declaration of intent. Everything got very heated. In the event, Elphick did not kill himself. And Kate realised that years of heavy drinking had brought her father — who remains crystallised in the collective memory as Boon in the eponymous Eighties ITV series — to the brink of despair, and he needed help, not recriminations. His birthday, in fact, proved a happy occasion. He spent it with Kate and close friends — among them his Boon co-star Neil Morrissey — in the West End, where he was playing Alfred Doolittle in Pygmalion. The two women struck up an instant rapport, and that evening they colluded in a plan to cajole Elphick into going to The Priory to be treated for his alcoholism. Returning home, he fell quickly into his old drinking routine. The daily assault on his body was brutal. Kate recalls how her father, Michael Elphick, died in from a heart attack after a night of drinking with his friends. Inevitably, his health declined sharply, and in his last television role, as debauched paedophile Harry Slater on EastEnders, he looked appropriately paunchy and unkempt. All his mates just happened to turn up at the bar and he stayed out until 1. When I went into him, his face was contorted with pain. Kate Drunken Son Dad Gay an ambulance and kissed her dad as he was taken off. It was to be their last goodbye. Kate Elphick has written the book in remarkable candour alongside an old family friend. The skin on his hands was papery and rough. Elphick died in hospital from a massive heart attack. He was The relationship Kate shared with him was — like that of any child of an alcoholic Drunken Son Dad Gay — a complex one, and she charts it in a new book, Michael Elphick: The Great Pretender, that she has co-written with an Drunken Son Dad Gay family friend, Nigel Denison. The book is remarkable for its candour. Kate is both honest and unsentimental about the childhood embarrassment, the shame and frustration that came with having a father who was not only famous but also an epic boozer. They found him hilarious, entertaining — he was always a good-humoured drunk, although he could become boring and sentimental — but I was mortified by his behaviour. Kate was a shy adolescent, lacking in confidence and marked out as different by her middle-class accent. She hated the attention, and his drinking only compounded her discomfiture. He went to a concert at the Festival Hall, where the school choir was performing. Dad thought he was a paparazzo and started giving him what for. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. Kate remembers the awkwardness of family mealtimes: her mother Julia often seething with suppressed fury, her father babbling inanely to fill the frozen silences. Michael Elphick remains crystallised in the collective memory as Ken Boon in the eponymous Eighties TV series. Mum could have told me it was more important for him to drink than be with us. But she never did. He created this fantastical world in his imagination, peopled by kings and queens and an octopus who lived down a well. His absences away filming facilitated his indiscretions. A teacher, Julia was the childhood sweetheart to whom Elphick remained famously Drunken Son Dad Gay for more than three decades.
The skin on his hands was papery and rough. DON'T MISS Read the bombshell full list of 30 demands Blake Lively made of Justin Baldoni and others on set Kate called an ambulance and kissed her dad as he was taken off. Riley Kind is kicked out of his house for being gay. Enthält dieser Artikel unangemessenen Inhalt? She was in Portugal again when she was confronted by his relapse.
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