My main research interests are grapholinguistics the interdisciplinary study of writing and literacylinguistic normativityand the meta- pragmatics of digital communication. In studying them, I employ a variety of methods from, among others, structuralism, discourse analysis, and sociolinguistics. Below, you will find information on my various research projects and my teaching as well as complete lists of publications and Chat Gay Sans Email. You can also download my current CV. My profiles on various research-related platforms can be reached by clicking on these symbols:. Also, I received three awards from the Linguistic Association of Canada and the United States LACUS for presentations at its conferences; I was runner-up once and won first prize twice I also really enjoyed giving a course on Writing Systems at the LSA Summer Institute UMass Amherst and will have the chance to do so again at the iteration at the University of Oregon. See details [ here ]. I am honored that I could contribute 38 articles to it from the fields of graphetics and writing system typology. WORKSHOP AND TALK — Together with Stefan Hartmann, Kristian Berg, and Jessica Nowak I organized the workshop Cognitive approaches to written languagewhich was part of the 10th International Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association taking place in Osnabrück DE in September I also gave a talk there, titled Every language gets the writing system its users can process: Exploring the relation between the linguistic and processing fits. TALK — At the 16th International Conference on the History of the Language Scienceswhich took place at the end of August at Tbilisi Ivane Javakhishvili State University GEI gave a talk titled Between dependency and autonomy: The relationship between speech and writing in early structuralist Schriftlinguistik and its impact on concepts of the study of writing. TALK — At the 7th Prescriptivism Conferencewhich took place in the end of June at Aix-Marseille University FRI gave a talk titled Critical metaprescriptivism: An exploratory analysis of attitudes towards grassroots prescriptivism in a pertinent Facebook group. My talk was titled How to find your academic self — and keep it healthy. You can watch it [ here ]. I am receiving my funding at the University of Vienna ATwhere I started working in September You can find more information [ here ]. The workshop is currently being reconceptualized as an online conference to be held later this year. Updates will be shared here; if you are generally interested in giving a talk, please contact me. It was an accessible talk aimed at a broad, non-academic audience. Toward basic operational concepts of comparative punctuation research. The title of the talk was Open questions in the cross-linguistic conception of the grapheme: Linguistic value, supra segmentality, and cognitive reality. My research is interdisciplinary and integrates multiple perspectives : I adhere to functionalist and explanatory usage-based approaches to linguistics and am interested not only in the structures we find in the various modalities of Chat Gay Sans Email especially writing and how they can be adequately studied and described, but also in how Chat Gay Sans Email are used, i. Language is a semiotic system but also a medium that must be processedand an instrument of communication. Acknowledging these different facets makes necessary the combination of theoretical approaches and methods from various disciplines. In this vein, my research on the cross-linguistic comparative description of writing systems has resulted in the proposal of an explanatory theory of writing and literacy as well as the plea for an integration of writing into mainstream linguistic theories and paradigms. Specifically, I claim that writing is not merely one possible modality of language: with respect to linguistic norms as well as prescriptive attitudes and behaviorliteracy and the profound way it shapes our view of language and language standards Chat Gay Sans Email arguably constitutive key words in this context are written language bias and graphic relativity. Find out more about my main research projects by clicking on one of the numbered headings below. In the drop-down descriptions of the different strands, you will find pertinent research outputs Chat Gay Sans Email as publications, talks, and taught courses. If you prefer complete and chronological lists, you can find them below. M uch of my research has been devoted to the study of different aspects of writing and literacy, which are all subsumed by the interdisciplinary field of grapholinguistics. While this field is well established in the German-speaking realm—as Schriftlinguistik —it is still emerging more internationally. In my doctoral research, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and conducted at the University of Graz ATI carved out a framework for the description of typologically diverse writing systems including basic comparative concepts such as grapheme or graphotactics. Using this framework as a basis, I aimed for explanationi. To achieve this, I relied on a functionalist usage-based approach linguistic Naturalness Theory and considered external writing-related evidence from a range of disciplines e.
Deh, vieni alla finestra Falstaff. Daniels, whose research was one of the reasons I got into grapholinguistics in the first place, provided feedback on a draft of the paper. Proceedings, Part I Grapholinguistics and Its Applications 4 , 47— Semiotic, cognitive and functional bases of Natural Linguistics. Ruziczka Zauberflöte. M y primary postdoc project is titled Orthographic relativity: Comparing the relation between literacy and linguistic normativity across writing systems and literate cultures.
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