We are starting to make room for course reserves for the upcoming Fall semester, but new books continue to arrive at FAL. You can also browse the list of new titles for July below. Titles are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record. Many new titles arrived last month, so the New Books display continues to grow. As always, you can also browse the list of new arrivals below. Come by and have a look! Or else, check out the list of new arrivals from May The semester has wrapped up and we are looking forward to Commencement next week. If you have a free moment, come and browse the New Books display shelves at FAL. Below, you will also find the list of new arrivals from April Spring colors are cropping up in our New Books display area! Come and browse the titles, or check the list of new arrivals from March below. Happy Spring! We recently moved our New Books display shelves across from the circulation desk at FAL, so that you can more easily find our newly received titles. Come and browse the new books or peruse the list of new arrivals from February below. They are listed alphabetically by author or editor; click on the HOLLIS number to view the corresponding bibliographic record. Happy browsing! Fine Arts Library Collections. Search for:. Affentranger-Kirchrath, Angelika, et al. Aufbruch Flora : Meisterwerke aus der Sammlung Arthur und Hedy Hahnloser-Bühler. Dresden : Sandstein Verlag, []. HOLLIS Alkazi Foundation for the Arts and the British Council. Origins : photo UK India. New Delhi : Alkazi Foundation for the Arts in collaboration with the British Council, HOLLIS Alonso, Rodrigo, et al. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina : Ediciones Institucionales, [ HOLLIS Amendola, Aurelio, photographer. Aurelio Amendola : il primato della luce. Firenze : Gay Boy Evan Von Tbw Nackt Polistampa, []. HOLLIS Andhare, S. Jain vastrapatas : Jain paintings on cloth and paper. Ahmedabad : Lalbhai Dalpatbhai Institute of Indology, HOLLIS Asskamp, Rudolf and Kai Jansen. Triumph ohne Sieg : Roms Ende in Germanien. Darmstadt : Verlag Philipp von Zabern, []. HOLLIS Baione, Mariano. Subte : Life underground. Argentina Gay Boy Evan Von Tbw Nackt Baione Photography LLC, HOLLIS Baldini, Isabella, Veronica Casali, and Giulia Marsili, eds. Bologna : Ante Quem, []. IV Premio Nacional de Pintura Banco Central : Museo Nacional de Bella Artes, Octubre HOLLIS Bartholomew, Pablo, photographer, editor. The Calcutta diaries. New Delhi : Art Heritage,
Insomnia sleeplessness as a cultural symptom. TV AKD. Köln : Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, []. Der Marinemaler Walter Zeeden : Schifffahrts- und Eisenbahnmotive aus sechs Jahrzehnten. HOLLIS Bowron, Edgar Peters, ed.
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