Meistens lieben hier Männer andere Männer, manchmal nicht nur einen, und auf alle erdenlichen Arten, aber ab und zu mischt sich auch mal eine Lovestory zwischen Mann und Frau darunter. Die meisten Geschichten sind auf englisch, einige davon aber auch auf deutsch. Schwule Märchen von Nathan J. Fuck the Police! Allan, S. Arthur, A. Bartsch, B. Belleau, Heidi und Gormley, Amelia C. Brand, Lena M. Brock, Jordan S. Cates, Skylar M. Cox, Casey K. Duncan, Grace R. Faelan, K. Failte: The Girl For Me englisch trans. Fox, Ray Van und Brock, Jordan S. Grant, Michelle K. Gregg, L. Hall, Alexis: How to Bang a Billionaire — Arden St. Holloway, Sage C. Inman, John: Baustelle — Betreten auf eigene Gefahr! Jakes, S. Johnson, Hannah. Well — Crap! Kelts, M. Klug, Ria: Nel Arta — Kleine Betriebsstörung deutsch trans. Lelis, A. Marchwell, D. Mayne, Xavier: Achtung, Aufnahme! McGowan, Debbie: Checking Him Out For The Holidays — Checking Him Out 1. McGowan, Debbie: Hiding Out — Checking Him Out 1. McGowan, Debbie: The Making of Us — Checking Him Out 4 englisch trans. Meester, Tharah: St. Merikan, K. Merrow, J. Moore, T. Northcote, Jay: Starting From Scratch — Housemates 5 englisch trans. Pacat, C. Pageant, Nick: Boo! Parker, Madison: Sock it to Me, Santa! Parrish, Roan: Something Permanent — Middle of Somewhere 2.
The characters were interesting. Ein Problem melden. Their parents. Geld verdienen mit Amazon. While you can read this novel as something light hearted and fun, sex and growing up ect. Author 1 book 3 followers.
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'Beautiful brings to life an entire world' SALLY ROONEY 'Sublime A thrillingly moreish novel' SUNDAY TIMES 'A whole world is captured for the reader' COLM. A coming-of-age novel about a woman in her 60s, from the award-winning author of "London Trptych". Taschenbuch (Kartoniert, Paperback), Day, Jonathan. Beautifully written erotic novel, its poetry and sensitivity all the more impressive considering it was published in It's a gay fantasia full of. With appeal to fans of Alan Hollinghurst, Ali Smith.His straight best friend. What they want is, for the most part, crap - and that's why the publishers go on giving it to them. Spitzenrezensionen aus Deutschland. Coming out of an era where pulp gay fiction ruled, this book crossed over into literature within its erotica. I'm not sure if I would have bothered to finish it otherwise, but in retrospect it was worth reading, if for no other benefit than the conversations it triggered between us about different types of relationships and the significance of a book like this one in American gay history, which I had initially under-estimated. Grant, Michelle K. Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen. It also helped give me a good rationale for non monogamous relationships. When I was a senior in high school, I went against that principle and dated the most handsome boy I had ever met and fell madly in love with him. I am truely impressed with No Going Back and I liked the ending. Alle Rezensionen ins Deutsche übersetzen. It says it all in that one hymn. Gerry Burnie. Supposedly, this was made into an x rated film, and based on what I've read, it would be a doozy! Cox, Casey K. In the afterward the author explains more through interviews what he was trying to do with the book and I can see elements of this in the story. Hall, Alexis: How to Bang a Billionaire — Arden St. Informationen über: Datenschutz Impressum. A typical LDS ward, a high-school club about tolerance for gays, and a proposed anti-gay-marriage amendment to the state constitution. This book helped open the way for gay literature to climb out from underground. Allan, S. Yes, there can be good sex scenes that are well done. When my husband finally decided after 14 years of excommunication to commit and come back to the church the Bishop suggested that he read Ether chapter That make it a true artefact, and as an unapologetic homoerotic novel, it is also somewhat of a legend. His interviews and articles at the end made the whole book worth it, to get that insight on the industry at the time and the way he wanted it to be, the kinds of books he was trying to write and the kinds of changes the publishers made. Even though I personally disagree with using religion to suppress one's gay identity, Langford made the main character compelling enough that I valued seeing his struggle. Plus, it's a beautiful story! Finally, she gains an understanding of the importance of the friendship between her son and Paul. So I love that it's extant, that it's been republished, and that the new edition has such awesome extra material included.