Klinik und Poliklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie. Pharmacotherapy of motor symptoms in early and mid-stage Parkinson's disease: guideline "Parkinson's disease" of the German Society of Neurology J NEUROL. Die Herausforderung liegt im Wissenstransfer: Ansätze zur Prävention von Extremismus in die praktische Deradikalisierungsarbeit tragen Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Bajwa R, Brandes F, Hosseini D, Kunze S, Ohls I Forum Kriminalprävention. Spatial characteristics of non-communicable diseases and their associations to social conditions in a large urban cohort in Germany-Results from the Hamburg City Health Study Andrees V, Bei der Kellen R, Augustin M, Gallinat J, Harth V, Hoven H, Kühn S, Lautenbach A, Magnussen C, Mohr N, Twerenbold R, Schäfer I, Waschki B, Zyriax B, Augustin J PLOS ONE. Subjective evaluation of home environment and levels of self-reported depression in middle to old age: Results from the HCHS study Ascone L, Mascherek A, Weber S, Fischer D, Augustin J, Cheng B, Thomalla G, Augustin M, Zyriax B, Gallinat J, Kühn S J CLIN PSYCHOL. Gebrauch und Missbrauch von Nashids — Nutzung religiöser Gesänge für extremistische Zwecke: Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme anhand einer datenbankgestützten Literaturrecherche. Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Hosseini D, Brandes F, Kunze S, Ohls I Spiritual Care. Reducing problematic pornography use with imaginal retraining-A randomized controlled trial Baumeister A, Gehlenborg J, Deutscher Gay Sucht Fisterin In Hessen L, Moritz S, Briken P J BEHAV ADDICT. Is Self-Help Dangerous? Examination of Adverse Effects of a Psychological Internet-Based Self-Help Intervention for Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Free From BFRB Baumeister A, Schmotz S, Weidinger S, Moritz S BEHAV THER. Familie, Psyche und Radikalisierung: Erkenntnisse aus Experteninterviews zu Rückkehrerinnen im Phänomenbereich des Islamismus Brandes F, Kunze S, Hosseini D, Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Nadeem M, Ohls I Zeitschrift für Religion, Gesellschaft und Politik. Experiences and the psychosocial situation of parental caregivers of children with spinal muscular atrophy against the background of new treatment options: a qualitative interview study Brandt M, Driemeyer J, Johannsen J, Denecke J, Inhestern L, Bergelt C BMC PSYCHOL. Through the patients' eyes: psychometric evaluation of the item version of the Experienced Patient-Centeredness Questionnaire EPAT Christalle E, Zeh S, Führes H, Hahlweg P, Zill J, Härter M, Bokemeyer C, Gallinat J, Gebhardt C, Magnussen C, Müller V, Schmalstieg-Bahr K, Strahl A, Kriston L, Scholl I BMJ QUAL SAF. Barriers to healthcare predict reduced health-related quality of life in autistic adults without intellectual disability David N, Rahlff P, König H, Dückert S, Gewohn P, Erik F, Vogeley K, Schöttle D, Konnopka A, Schulz H, Peth J AUTISM. Barriers to accessing mental health care for refugees and asylum seekers in high-income countries: A scoping review of reviews mapping demand and supply-side factors onto a conceptual framework Dumke L, Wilker S, Hecker T, Neuner F CLIN PSYCHOL REV. Are psychotic-like experiences associated with aberrant prosocial decision-making behavior? Elmers J, Gabbert T, David B, Scheunemann J, Moritz S Deutscher Gay Sucht Fisterin In Hessen PSYCHOL. The contributions of risk-taking and impulsivity to jumping to conclusions in the psychosis spectrum Gabbert T, Scheunemann J, Balzan R, Doehring N, Elmers J, Moritz S SCHIZOPHR RES. Can an app increase health literacy and reduce the stigma associated with obsessive-compulsive disorder? Randomized Controlled Trial on Imaginal Retraining for Problematic Alcohol Use: A Dismantling Study Gehlenborg J, Göritz A, Kempken J, Wirtz J, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Kühn S CLIN PSYCHOL PSYCHOT. Implicit aggressive self-concept in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder: Results from an approach-avoidance task Gehlenborg J, Miegel F, Moritz S, Scheunemann J, Yassari A, Jelinek L J BEHAV THER EXP PSY. Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Benzodiazepine Dependence Self-Report Deutscher Gay Sucht Fisterin In Hessen Heeg J, Stratmann M, Dirmaier J, Härter M, Kriston L, Lindemann C, Verthein U INT J MENT HEALTH AD. Psychopathologies Among European Women Involved in Islamist Radicalization: A Review Hosseini D, Brandes F, Bajwa R, Ahmed K, Kunze S, Nadeem M, Ohls I TERROR POLIT VIOLENC. Too much of a good thing? Hand hygiene and the long-term course of contamination-related obsessive-compulsive symptoms Jelinek L, Göritz A, Miegel F, Schuurmans L, Moritz S, Yassari A, Müller J FRONT PSYCHOL. The effects of COVID on the development of reported incidents of child maltreatment over time: A systematic literature review Jud A, Orban E, Kaman A, Ravens-Sieberer U, Jarczok M, Li L, Laser C, Ondruschka B, Zwirner J, Hildebrand M, Ewert J, Jung-Sievers C, Wiegand-Grefe S, Clemens V CHILD ABUSE NEGLECT. Trajectories of depressive and anxiety symptoms and associated risk factors during the COVID pandemic in Germany: A longitudinal cohort study Kenntemich L, von Hülsen L, Eggert L, Kriston L, Gallinat J, Schäfer I, Lotzin A J AFFECT DISORDERS. Relationship between alcohol use and firearm-involved suicide: Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, Kim K, Rehm J, Kaplan M, Lange S AM J PREV MED. Adverse Events of Psychological Interventions. The differential role of socioeconomic status dimensions in depressive symptoms of aging adults Klimesch A, Ascone L, Schmager A, Petersen E, Hoven H, von dem Knesebeck O, Gallinat J, Kühn S FRONT PUBLIC HEALTH. Affective and cognitive Theory of Mind in patients with alcohol use disorder: Associations with symptoms of depression, anxiety, and somatization Knopp M, Burghardt J, Oppenauer C, Meyer B, Moritz S, Sprung M Journal of substance use and addiction treatment. Stepped, evidence-based and integrated care service model vs. How can imaginal retraining for modifying food craving be improved? Larsen J, Hollands G, Moritz S, Wiers R, Veling H APPETITE. Different perspectives in psychiatry: how family-oriented are professionals in Germany? Effects of a shared decision-making implementation programme on patient-centred communication in oncology-Secondary analysis of a randomised controlled trial Lindig A, Mannagottera L, Hahlweg P, Sigl H, Klimesch A, Zeh S, Kriston L, Scholl I HEALTH EXPECT. Gender-affirming hormonal therapy induces a gender-concordant fecal metagenome transition in transgender individuals Liwinski T, Auer M, Schröder J, Pieknik I, Casar C, Schwinge D, Henze L, Stalla G, Lang U, von Klitzing A, Briken P, Hildebrandt T, Desbuleux J, Biedermann S, Holterhus P, Bang C, Schramm C, Fuss J BMC MED.
Bach als Therapeut Ohls I Oralverkehr Aktiv Passiv Deep throat. Mollig 3. Outdoor bei dir ,oder wenn es passt bei mir. Methodology of measuring postoperative cognitive dysfunction: a systematic review Borchers F, Spies C, Feinkohl I, Brockhaus W, Kraft A, Kozma P, Fislage M, Kühn S, Ionescu C, Speidel S, Hadzidiakos D, Veldhuijzen D, Yürek F, Evered L, Ottens T BRIT J ANAESTH.
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