I do not want to repeat the contents of this report. In my speech, I would like to focus on the broader context within which this report should be considered. First of all, the report contains a realistic assessment of the situation in Ukraine and, thus, on the one hand, it acknowledges that we should appreciate the huge effort made by the Ukrainian people and the state along the path to full democracy, a market economy and respect for human rights. It should be added that, during the dozen or so years of independence, Gay Fuck Exzessiv Precum has made a great deal of progress in terms of creating a modern European Society. Today, Ukraine is a tolerant, free, democratic country. It is, ultimately, a country where the majority of people support integration with the European Union, as all opinion polls reflect. As we have revealed everything in the report, it should also be stressed that Ukraine does face certain problems. We call on the Ukrainian Government to deal with these issues. The problems are related to, amongst others, the free and proper functioning of foreign companies, including European Union companies, in Ukraine. There are cases of criminal activity. The Ukrainian Government has declared that it will try to combat crime and we Gay Fuck Exzessiv Precum applaud this move. I would like to thank, amongst others, Mr Siwiec from the Socialist Group in the European Parliament, who is with us today. As the vice-president of the European Parliament and responsible for relations with Ukraine, he has helped me a great deal. From the outset, I wanted this report to be a document which would unite, rather than divide, this House. I wanted it to be a document on which we would try to reach a consensus. Today, it seems worthwhile for the European Parliament, which is an institution that Ukrainians pay attention to, to send a signal which would show the Ukrainian people that the European Parliament does not want to close its doors to Ukrainians, although, at the same time, it does assess Ukrainian membership in realistic terms, namely as something that will not happen in the nearest future. This great nation is Gay Fuck Exzessiv Precum European nation and anyone who has been to Ukraine can easily see how much of Europe's cultural heritage can be found there. It is enough to see Kiev as the cradle of a very important Christian denomination in Eastern Europe in order to realise that Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian state, fully deserve to be described as a European nation and that we, as the European Parliament, as the European Union, should treat this country with friendship and respect. I hope that, as I have pointed out, the report will be treated by this House as a compromise document, a document reflecting the good will of our institution, the European Parliament, towards the Ukrainian people. This report is a balanced political document which contains clear messages. As you know, the situation in Ukraine remains difficult. It is crucial that the agreement of 27 May between President Yushchenko and Prime Minister Yanukovych to hold early elections on 30 September is fulfilled. Only in this way can they create the conditions for the country to move forward with political and economic reforms, based on respect for the principles of democracy, the rule of law, human rights and the market economy. In relation to the elections, it is paramount to ensure they are conducted in a democratic manner in accordance with international standards. We have been in regular contact with the various political sides in Ukraine to pass on these messages. We regularly continue to do so. For instance, my colleague Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner met Prime Minister Yanukovych at the Cooperation Council on 18 June, and she will meet Foreign Minister Yatsenyuk next week. The EU-Ukraine Summit on 14 September in Kiev, just two weeks before the elections, will be a key event to reaffirm these messages at the highest level. Close coordination between the European Parliament and the Commission on these steps is particularly welcome. As regards the new enhanced agreement, the political crisis has not had a detrimental effect on the negotiations for the time being. Both political sides in Ukraine attach high importance to the negotiations, four rounds of which have already taken place. The last round took place only last week, on 2 to 4 July in Kiev, and good progress has been achieved on political, justice-related, freedom and security-related and other sectoral aspects of the agreement. The Summit on 14 September will be an important occasion to assess the overall status of negotiations and provide political momentum for further progress. There are still some outstanding issues to discuss, not only with the European Union, but also with other parties, but with some goodwill on the Ukrainian side, their efforts should come to fruition during the course of this year. In conclusion, we very much welcome this report and the key messages it sends to the Ukrainian side. On the main issue you raise, i.
This may be true today, but I do not think that Ukraine's institutions and Ukrainian democracy are in a worse state than the situation we are dealing with in Turkey. I agree with most of the previous comments. Watch and edge yourself to the sight of a pretty Sly Salamander. This visit constituted an informative and inspiring European—Ukrainian initiative, on which I should like to congratulate the Commission. We cannot regulate in ignorance of the costs of our actions, particularly at a time when businesses are hard pressed and the recovery from the crisis is fragile in many Member States.
Latest; Most Viewed; Top Rated; Longest; Most Commented; Most Favourited. Sensitive data (for example, personal details concerning racial or ethnic origins, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs and. Gay videos for: leibesvisitation durch die polizei. O Festival Varilux acontecerá de 10 a 21 de Junho. Folgt man manchen schwulen Szenediskursen, so scheint HIV-Prävention ganz einfach zu sein. Serão dez sessões exibidas no horário das 14h. Normativ und alarmistisch wird einfach zwischen. Most Relevant.Of more than applications submitted so far for operational programmes, however, a quarter at most have been approved. It is a matter of paving the way for a free Ukraine that is focused on Europe and is part of the Euro-Atlantic community. Claudio Morganti EFD. Although this was only introduced relatively recently, our world has changed due to the digital reality we exist within. I am sure that what we have heard today will help the Commission in further work in the area of occupational health and safety. Kuluttajien ja pk-yritysten kannalta tärkeintä on, että jakelupalvelut toimivat luotettavasti ja myös palauttamiskäytännöt toimivat. Tiny businesses should be exempted and smaller ones given lighter-touch laws. The Horizon Research and Innovation Programme also includes activities to facilitate the development of smart grids. Ireland can achieve this, but a motorway through Tara is not the answer. The document proposed to us is based on these ideas, therefore it is important to adopt it, thus passing on the right messages to all those concerned. An den Planungen werden alle beteiligt. We should only pass international laws where they are truly needed to solve international problems and we must listen more carefully to the concerns of national governments. We have to be explicit about its future membership. The industry is leading the effort. I also know from my own experience that clear messages of support and readiness to help on the difficult way ahead are of utmost importance for success. Some greater quantity Jerking For Groaner During This lengthy Session. Denn bei denen besteht ja immer die Gefahr, dass sie in erster Linie gegen kritische Änderungsanträge von Leuten, denen man nicht das Wort lassen will, eingesetzt werden. Ich werde deswegen empfehlen, ihn abzulehnen. Ansonsten ist er von der Kostentragungspflicht befreit. That is why the Commission cannot accept Amendments 50 and Specific tailor-made solutions are needed reducing the institutional, administrative and economic shortcomings of these regions will increase the efficiency of EU financial assistance as a whole. The report we are discussing today is sending exactly those signals and important messages about the future of Ukraine. Whether they intended it or not, the machinations of Poland, the United Kingdom and some other countries concerning a reform agreement with Ukraine have acted against Ukraine's interests in its goal of an unwavering approach to the EU. Taking into account their specific needs should be central to the better regulation agenda. Alexandra Thein, im Namen der ALDE-Fraktion. Füge Galerien zu der Playlist hinzu, indem du auf das Icon bei einem deiner Lieblingsvideos klickst.