Richard Ammon. Compiled by Richard Ammon GlobalGayz. Introduction The land that is now Guinea sometimes called Guinea-Conakry belonged to a series of African empires until France colonized it in the s, and made it part of French West Africa. Guinea declared its independence from France on 2 October Not surprisingly, there are strong social, religious, and cultural taboos against homosexual conduct and there are no lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender organizations that are active. Both male and female same-sex sexual activity are illegal in Guinea with a maximum penalty Gay Fuck Wiki Brutal three years imprisonment and a fine of up to one million Guinean francs. From independence until the presidential election ofGuinea was governed by a number of corrupt and brutal autocratic rulers, which has contributed to making Guinea one of the poorest countries in the world. The literacy rate of Guinea is one of the lowest in the world: in it was estimated that only Primary education is compulsory for 8 years, but most children do not attend for so long, and many do not go to school at all. Inprimary school attendance was 40 percent. Gay Fuck Wiki Brutal, particularly girls, are kept out of school in order to assist their parents with domestic work or agriculture. Treatment of Homosexuals Information is scarce regarding the treatment of homosexuals by government authorities and by Guinean society in general. Information is also scarce about how LGBT citizens actually feel and live. The hostile environment in Guinea toward homosexuals prevents any activist or rights group from forming. Most gay or lesbian individuals succumb to societal and religious strictures and are married with offspring to mask their truth. Researching this story for GlobalGayz turned up virtually no inside information about gay life. The following single report about film making offers a small glimpse of the hidden emotions and severe conditions that gays encounter in very Muslim Guinea. First African Movie about Homosexuality The film Dakan Destiny made clandestinely in Guinea. Dakan has been variously described as the first West African film, the first Sub-Saharan film and the first film by a Black African to deal with homosexuality. Filming faced disruption from angry local protesters. See YouTube preview. Manga and Sori are youngsters about to finish school. With Dakan as the first African movie about homosexuality, the Guinean actor Mohamad Camara tells a touching and humble love story. In the film, however, the relationship is never consummated. But, after Dakan was first shown at Cannes, in MayCamara faced an onslaught from African journalists. At home, in Guinea, he was cursed by a local imam after his appearance in a television debate on homosexuality. Especially coming from a Muslim upbringing, like I do. Dakan which translates to destiny is the story of two men who, by coming out, disappear and become invisible to their families and society, because their society has no language which recognizes their love. Filmed clandestinely in Guinea, Dakan both challenges the idea that there is a universal gay culture and debunks the notion that homosexuality is non-existent or foreign to African societies. The film deals with homosexual love in contemporary Guinea. It allows us to see the dangers in supposing there can be a universal gay narrative and it is also a charming narrative. The plot portrays Manga and Sory, two young men in love with each other. Manga tells his widowed mother of the relationship, and Sory tells his father. Both parents forbid their sons to see each other again. Sory marries and has a child.
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