IN THE CHAIR: MR MOSCOVICI Vice-President. Yesterday, when I was to talk about the report on trade defence instruments, I wanted to quote the Muscardini report from October, whereupon I discovered that an important bit of it was missing. As a result, I do not know how we are to proceed now. The report is from Octoberbut there is a serious error in the Swedish version, as the whole of the following text is missing from paragraph 11, and I wonder how we can remedy this. If the whole aspect of the environment and social dumping is missing from the Swedish version, the Swedish people will get a false picture of what it is that Parliament wants. It will be checked and the necessary action will be taken. Francesco Musotto PPE-DErapporteur. We believe that this is the first time that a complete study has been dedicated to the islands, taking account of their specific characteristics with regard to all areas of Community competence: although the cohesion policy pays particular attention to structurally disadvantaged regions, no specific measures are provided for island regions. Parliament has highlighted this gap several times and, although the situation in European islands is varied — there are islands in all, with a population of roughly 15 million inhabitants — they share a series of difficulties that constitute a competitive disadvantage: higher prices due to additional transport costs and little competition; difficulty in accessing the single market, the need to import raw materials, higher energy costs, lack of infrastructure, immigration, limited diversification of economic activities and vulnerability to environmental risks. It is therefore necessary to recognise their specific island characteristics when implementing Community policy, beginning with State aids. We believe that greater flexibility is needed in order to offset the additional costs and, as regards energy, to compensate for fluctuations in the cost of fuel. In the context of the Structural Funds operating programmes, particular emphasis must be given to carrying out infrastructure projects, especially within the framework of European maritime policy, in order to integrate the islands fully into the internal market and the Lisbon Strategy. On the other hand, islands enjoy an advantage as regards Eu Petition Chechny Gay generation of energy using wind, sun and sea. These represent unequalled potential value, which is why the Commission must support projects for renewable energy sources and energy security. Tourism is another resource to be exploited. We need a Community policy for promoting island tourism, a quality and origin label and an in-depth study on sustainable tourism. Among other things, we propose as the European year for the islands. The report also tackles the issue Eu Petition Chechny Gay illegal immigration, which we view as both a human tragedy and an unsustainable burden for the Mediterranean islands, for which the European Union must take responsibility. We welcome the creation of Rapid Border Intervention Teams and call for the establishment of a European coastguard body. As a matter of urgency, the European Union must allocate the necessary resources to guarantee rapid and timely intervention in this field. There are other proposals which warrant further development, such as the financial instruments JASPERS Joint Assistance in Supporting Projects in European Regions and JEREMIE Joint Eu Petition Chechny Gay Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises to facilitate access to credit for small and medium-sized enterprises and to promote the diversification of island economies, or the distribution of broadband to bridge the technology gap. Finally, it is essential that we revise the legal framework in order to take into full consideration the specific characteristics of islands and update the statistical indicators accordingly: taking account of the islands within the context of the European Spatial Planning Observation Network and setting up an administrative unit for the islands within the Commission Directorate-General for Regional Policy. We hope that this report will represent a real turning point, once and for all, by producing genuine development and providing practical answers for new generations who intend to continue to live and work in the place where they were born, integrated into the European context. Neelie Kroes, Member of the Commission. Mr President, islands and other territories with natural or specific constraints are very important to the Commission in terms of ensuring territorial cohesion, developing cross-border cooperation — Eu Petition Chechny Gay with third countries, tourism, culture and other issues. While acknowledging that a cross-sectoral approach may be useful, cohesion policy aims to play a central role in dealing with the specific problems of these territories. In the draft Cohesion Policy General Regulation, issued in Julythe Commission specifically proposed granting a co-financing rate top-up to these regions. Unfortunately, this proposal was not finally adopted by the Council in the final version of the regulation approved in July and which is now in force, as you are aware. However, the Commission will ensure, during the ongoing negotiations on the Cohesion Policy intervention forthat the specific constraints of these territories are duly taken into account in the corresponding programmes and that suitable measures are programmed to tackle them. In addition, the Commission is now preparing the Fourth Cohesion Report to be published in May, which will contain a comprehensive analysis of the state of play and trends in territorial cohesion in the EU, including islands and regions with natural handicaps. Likewise the Commission intends to continue upgrading work within the ESPON programme in order to obtain more suitable indicators and more updated information on these territories. At the same time, the Commission would point out that statistical data for islands or other territories that are NUTS II or NUTS III regions are already available. Turning to the practical implementation of the notion of territorial cohesion, despite the lack of an explicit legal base as provided by the Constitutional Treaty, the Council already agreed in in Rotterdam to introduce the territorial dimension into the Lisbon process. It also started to develop the territorial agenda and this document, which aims at presenting the challenges, objectives and policy recommendations for territorial cohesion, is due to be adopted in May in Leipzig. Moreover, the Community strategy guidelines on cohesion adopted by the Council last October include a specific chapter on the territorial dimension of cohesion policy. The Commission is now working to ensure their practical implementation in the programming documents that are now being negotiated. The Commission is very much in favour of promoting Euro-regions or similar structures in order to manage cross-border transnational and interregional cooperation. These bodies could be particularly suited to islands and other regions with natural handicaps and, in addition, the Commission encourages these territories to make use of the brand new European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation in order to facilitate the management of the corresponding programmes. With regard to state aid, it may be that regional investment aid is not the best instrument to tackle local problems in islands.
In other words, the intention is to promote the liberalisation of trade, to the delight of the multinationals and major European importers, which long to dominate new markets and natural resources and to create new opportunities for exploiting cheap labour. On May 10, President Putin signed a decree limiting protests in connection with enhanced security surrounding the Confederations Cup and the World Cup soccer tournaments. In line with the subsidiarity principle, local actors are the best partners in order to ensure that the development aid is appropriately geared to the real need of the local communities. On occasion prison officials cancelled visits if the prison did not have enough space to accommodate them. This text is very worrying: in the name of human rights, it pulls off the amazing feat of violating democracy, the Treaties and the rights of the European Parliament itself!
a. Arbitrary Deprivation of Life and Other Unlawful or Politically Motivated Killings
Migration and Asylum in Austria – Contribution to. petition signed by two million persons calling for an investigation into the torture of gay men in Chechnya. Over , people signed our petition and we collected over heartbreaking stories of people's own experiences of anit-LGBTQIA+ actions in. The basis for the Annual Policy Report is provided by the Annual Report on. Authorities charged the activists with an. Tschetschenien: Kampagne gegen schwule Männer nimmt kein Ende Campaigners protest for LGBT rights in Chechnya outside the Russian embassy in London, Britain.I also welcome the recently submitted draft plan for the police structure reform as it lays down a balanced allocation of responsibilities at all levels, while ensuring transparency in selection of police chiefs and officers and for monitoring their work. Police often broke up demonstrations that were not officially sanctioned, at times using disproportionate force. On May 4, Roskomnadzor blocked the Chinese messaging application WeChat for not complying with its registration request. Employees who perform work involving harmful or dangerous labor conditions and employees in the Far North regions receive additional annual paid leave. While the penal code establishes the separation of women and men, juveniles and adults, and pretrial detainees and convicts into separate quarters, there was anecdotal evidence that not all prison facilities followed these rules. These bodies could be particularly suited to islands and other regions with natural handicaps and, in addition, the Commission encourages these territories to make use of the brand new European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation in order to facilitate the management of the corresponding programmes. In conclusion, let us stop interfering. The law does not establish procedures for federal authorities to respond to oversight commission findings or recommendations, which are not legally binding. Active members of the military, civil servants, customs workers, judges and prosecutors, and persons working under civil contracts are excluded from the right to organize. The defense typically submits a referral to ask for a certain procedural motion, be it with the prosecution or court, and a complaint is submitted with respect to action that was already taken. As far as this is concerned, the islands have a positive role to play which, unfortunately, is not the role described in the report. No Nations Edition Chapter 5: Use Your Voice — Gay Activst Mein Name is Stephane Magloire und ich bin ein schwarzer In May Human Rights Ombudswoman Tatyana Moskalkova also began an investigation and requested the Investigative Committee to look into the fate of individual alleged victims, based on information provided to her by nongovernmental organizations NGOs. SV The June List believes that when trade is freer, world prosperity is furthered. Firstly, we believe that decentralisation must be a priority for the European Union and, consequently, that it has to become a focus for European Union financial aid. Although unions were occasionally successful in court, in most cases managers who engaged in antiunion activities did not face penalties. There were reports Russian-led forces and Russian occupation authorities in Ukraine engaged in enforced disappearances see Country Reports on Human Rights for Ukraine. In theory it is well recognised and accepted in the EU that islands, especially small ones, have to be assisted to overcome these natural disadvantages. Each country must choose its own methods of collaboration between different levels of government. By law foreign citizens who are HIV-positive may be deported. Human rights groups asserted that numerous Ukrainian citizens remained in Russia as political prisoners. Jörg Leichtfried PSE , in writing. There were reports of occasional noncompliance with the hour limit for holding a detainee. Curiously, they are never invoked in the defence, for example, of the rights of political minorities within its Chamber. Although the constitution prohibits such practices, numerous credible reports indicated law enforcement personnel engaged in torture, abuse, and violence to coerce confessions from suspects, and authorities generally did not hold officials accountable for such actions. Journalists and bloggers who uncovered various forms of government malfeasance or who expressed criticism of the government often faced harassment, either in the form of direct threats to their physical safety or threats to their security or livelihood, frequently through legal prosecution. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Investigative Committee, the Office of the Prosecutor General, and the National Guard are responsible for law enforcement at all levels of government. Wir präsentieren voller Stolze die In other words, 12 international networks grouping together regions in five continents irrespective of their characteristics — Francophone, peripheral, maritime or otherwise — are in the process of organising themselves into a network, the world regions Forum. They threaten their own government, their elected representatives and their police apparatus in an aggressive manner, and that is something that we in this Union of ours, cannot condone. For example, on April 24, special forces police beat Ivan Nepomnyashchikh, a year-old Bolotnaya Square defendant serving 2. I support this report on the basis that it makes proper recommendations in order to pursue justice and uphold peace in the region.