It addresses the dichotomy Can I Go To Heaven If Im Gay love and condemnation, sincerely expressed by Christians — and the pain experienced by gays and lesbians. No matter which side you are on, there is benefit to educating yourself on the beliefs and experiences of those with whom you disagree. The author asks that the reader consider viewpoints expressed by a variety of churches and ministers. Look closely at the Scriptures that are cited and decide for yourself. Look at the beliefs of well-known conservative ministers and doctrines of several church denominations in this book. Some Christians believe it is loving to demand denial of homosexuality, ending relationships, changing to heterosexuality, or remaining celibate — in order that the soul be saved. Others believe sexual orientation is God-given, cannot be changed and that it is cruel and unloving to demand it. Argue with it, confirm your beliefs, question, change your mind. The author invites your engagement. How do we get beyond the disagreements, divisiveness, and polarization we see playing out in our churches and society? How do we honor the rights of each of these groups without denying the rights of the other? She attempts to answer these questions throughout her book. Humans do. They make that choice on their own. It has a cause — Satan. I tried repressing and denying who I was — but nothing changed inside of me. I was taught by my pastors, parents, and peers to hate myself — and that worked. What does the Bible say about how we should treat those we disagree with or who we believe Can I Go To Heaven If Im Gay going to Hell? The final chapter offers strategies and solutions on how to bridge the divide between Christians and gays — how to promote healing and not to inflict more pain. As a Christian, and the daughter of a conservative evangelical minister, Dr. She cares deeply about the divisions she sees in churches today over homosexuality. She grew up in the Midwest and trained teachers in a College of Education. Her firm, Intercultural Solutions, prepares businesses, churches, and schools with strategies to address conflict and division. Kim is dedicated to fostering mutual respect and bringing people together. Introduction I have written this book out of love and compassion. It is something that has been stirring in me, something that had to be birthed. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of so many gays and lesbians who identify themselves as Christian — or who would be drawn to Christianity if it were not for the condemnation they would receive. Homosexuals in the church have been given the option of ceasing to be gay, "choosing" to be heterosexual, remaining celibate, or going to Hell. I am writing to those in the Church and asking you to consider that you may not have all of the information you need to draw the conclusion that your gay and lesbian church members, friends, or family are condemned to Hell by God. I would like to challenge you to read each of the chapters in my book; use it as a study guide in your Bible groups or adult Sunday school classes. I am not condemning conservative Christians who believe and preach that homosexuality is an abomination. I understand the interpretation of the seven Scriptures used to condemn homosexuals, the history behind that condemnation, and the justification held by God-fearing, loving Christians. I invite those Christians to take the time to read my book. It is written in a fair-minded manner, without pointing fingers. If you are convinced, as you pick up this book, that homosexuality is a sin and that homosexuals will go to Hell, it is worth your time to read it. Familiarize yourself with the Scriptures used to denounce homosexuality, look at what constitutes sexual orientation, learn how the Scriptures have wrongly been used to promote slavery and segregation, as well as to condemn homosexuals. Become aware of the inaccuracies behind the stereotypes of gays and lesbians, and discover how millions are adversely affected by the Church's judgment and condemnation. If you are sure of your criticism and denunciation of homosexuality, still read this book to argue with it, challenge it, maybe change your mind on something, or confirm what you already believed going in. If you are certain that you know everything about sexual orientation and are qualified to condemn others based on your own knowledge, still read this book. If you have people in your life who are gay or struggling with their sexuality because of the condemnation, it is worth your time to consider what this book has to say.
Wir helfen dir. Did you choose to be a heterosexual? Mehr Informationen über diesen Autor Weniger Informationen über diesen Autor. Thank you Kim, you touched my heart. What Brought Me to Write This Book This was initially a response to Phil Robertson and his comments that went public in December Es liegen 0 Rezensionen und 0 Bewertungen aus Deutschland vor.
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Okay, yeah, that's another sin that's going to keep you out of the kingdom. today. this is where I give you god's word every single day. well, let's talk about that in today's daily dose. If. Oh, well, what about this sin? Being Gay and Christian can sometimes be hard, but IT IS POSSIBLE. You just need to find a straight partner really. If your only memories are LGBT+ things then you have nothing straight to work with, If you are a guy. God is love, not hate the bible saids every knee not just the straight ones. what is the Bible say about the LGBTQ plus? You know, homosexuality isn't the one.They believed this would bring blessings on their crops and livestock. Amazon Retourenkauf Reduzierte B-Ware. His ministry challenges readers to not only understand grace, but also the motivation to accept it. We are still learning to apply that understanding. The traditional interpretation: Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality. Evening Minyan on YouTube Only : pm. What This Book Is About. I am Jewish, Orthodox and most unfortunately, homosexual. Ursprünglich geschrieben von MinionJoe :. We won't know for certain this side of Heaven. I'm in a casket. SPENDEN MITGLIED WERDEN SUCHEN. Why do gays want to flaunt their sexuality? Whenever the issue of gays and lesbians came up, he felt threatened, ridiculed, humiliated, hurt. It was not easy for them to make the appointment with me. Januar Vorherige Folie der Produktdetails. Whatever the etiology of homosexuality, whether it is traced to hormonal imbalances, whether psychological techniques are shown to be incapable of changing a homosexual to a heterosexual person, all such scientific, cultural and moral explanations are inconsequential. The debate has heated since the June Supreme Court decision. I believe that someday in the future we will look back and be ashamed of the way we have treated homosexuals. Other rabbis argue that while those who can't determine their sexual orientation or feelings, they certainly can control their behavior. Amazon Advertising Kunden finden, gewinnen und binden. Arsenokoitai is made up of two Greek words - arseno , meaning "male" and koitai meaning "bedder. Not just for my sake, but for the sake of so many gays and lesbians who identify themselves as Christian — or who would be drawn to Christianity if it were not for the condemnation they would receive. What Brought Me to Write This Book This was initially a response to Phil Robertson and his comments that went public in December How do we honor the rights of each of these groups without denying the rights of the other? My interest in the matter is more personal, less academic. Weitere Rezensionen ansehen. Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen. After her visit, the stigmatized issue of homosexuality seems to emerge everywhere. Am I not the same loving, caring, sensitive son to you? Melden Rezensionen auf Deutsch übersetzen. Deine zuletzt angesehenen Artikel und besonderen Empfehlungen.